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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. i love it cuz the one guys have no arm holes so they eat shit all the time haha! and the golf club part is funny as hell
  2. did u see the astronaut, or the urban touchdown???? astro one had me rolling! when he loses his moon boot and falls haha
  3. why u think they went with under seat ehxaust???? triples FTW! wonder how that cross plane of the new r1 would viberate for them?
  4. this guys videos are hilarious!!, watch them all! the pacman is great, as is the urban touchdown! haha enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81szj1vpEu8[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81szj1vpEu8][/ame]
  5. im trying to get ross to buy it. but he thinks ur head is to small.
  6. yeah im cheap and went with the warp 9 set up. and i checked their site it is a 4.25. would i be having an issue with the the profile changing running my 150 or only if i step up to a 160?
  7. yeah i follow ya. just dont know where to get it done. used to be able to lace bmx rims but that was years ago and i totally forget how to do it. 17 x 4.25 i believe
  8. welcome! come on down to coshocton!!
  9. that sounds like a fun little relay they have got going on! how far has it made it so far?
  10. what did u use to offset the wheel? i get chian slap on a 150 on the rear now.
  11. wow. that is crazy! if that was here, that chick would have been sitting in jail already...
  12. got any 150/120 sets??? need some extra shoes for the SuMo
  13. i thought it was good haha
  14. so have u got many prank calls today???
  15. is that like gargling with it, instead of just swallowing??
  16. for the hookers and blow??? its the funnest thing ull ever ride on the street!
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