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Everything posted by starkmaster03

  1. Interested in the top center console around the shifter, power antenna and how is the drivers door panel?
  2. I'll be out, just got home so I'll be late to dinner.
  3. I'd be down for this as well. I've been wanting to get out to the range.
  4. Diesel prices are also quite different around different parts of town. When I worked of Sawmill, I never got diesel there because it was always higher. Today diesel was 3.95 on the east side and I filled up on Saturday at 3.65. There are normally places to get a better deal just depends if its out of your way and unlike gas the differences tend to be larger.
  5. "Fucking Toyota" is my number one complaint I always find myself saying while driving.
  6. http://www.mactools.com/Product/tabid/120/productid/327706/variantid/318465/Default.aspx For anyone looking it up.
  7. Got a set of upper and lower BMR control arms for the TA. I'm very happy!!
  8. I have an 05 Silverado and mine just started shutting off as well but mind are only saying on for like 30 seconds the first time and the less time after that unil they turn right back off when you turn them on. My are not staying on long enough to get hot. Hopefully I'll be able to look at them this weekend.
  9. That sucks Brian. Glad to see you're ok. I've never noticed the Mustang in the background of your signature before.
  10. I've really liked the weather tech floor liners that I've seen in GM trucks. I've been wanting to get a set myself.
  11. Picked mine up today. Anyone else see the price in store? 189.99 - 10 off the 199.99.
  12. Correct. They need to fit over the C6 Z06 brakes but the control arm clearance is what I'm most worried about.
  13. I watched it twice to make sure I saw that correct that he grabbed around the bar.
  14. Anyone have a spare C5 Z06 18x10.5 wheel that I could use to test fit/check clearance? I found some up north for sale but would like to make sure they will fit before I make a trip.
  15. What does the compustar remote look like? Curious if it's the one I have.
  16. I saw that he has one when I had to look them up to show the gf but it definitely wasn't him in it if it was his.
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