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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. ok im losing it, i forgot how to plug up the cap. assuming i use the coke bottle, id drill a hole through the cap for the fuel line to fit through, then how do i seal that new hole? do i melt it with a lighter or find some kind of sealant? (what sealant?)
  2. did he get those done? sorry must have missed that.
  3. thats what i thought initially as well. i think im going to have to find a thicker bottle. or just bust out the 50 unless someone has one i can borrow. or use my old platypus from my camel rider or listerine bottles... doing some reading up on it, most of what i've read people say its ok, but not for long periods of time, more than a day or so.
  4. really don't want to spend 50+ dollars an something i would use once maybe twice. auxiliary gas can would it be possible to make one by using a 1L or 2L coke bottle and fastening a hose to it and sealing it up? similar set up to a overflow container seen on race bikes or lazy bike owners. I know how i want to do the hosing, my main concern is the gas eating the coke plastic.
  5. see his other threadz... and i agree that nothing stands out as "wrong." carbon build up, and gunk on the other side of the valves, hell mine has that nothing a little seafoam won't take care of. i think your problem lies with piston rings, which you could be right in the OP that it wasn't broken in properly. i was always told, smoking on accel - rings; smoking on decel - valves. not sure if its true at all...take that with a grain of salt since i can't remember if that was a legit source or not. if you get new rings, break it in HARD
  6. you sending your suspension off to reuben jess? suspension is the only stuff i won't touch, except for mounting and unmounting it, but internally no way.
  7. bish i called the bike first gregg!
  8. send that top end off to reuben he'll treat you real nice.
  9. anyone ever removed the main air jet restrictor and had positive results? theoretically that would lean it out at WOT... or should i just leave that in and mess with the mains and needle and float heights? also anyone figured out an efficient way of changing settings without it taking more than an hour of time? getting the carbs off to change settings and back on again?
  10. you doing any engine work? or just leaving the engine as is? is it still good or any visible damage? if that one new guy wants to see the finished project just look up pics of the bike she bought on the interwebz...the interesting stuff will be pics of the process of the build.
  11. are you trying these on the r6 sites?
  12. building a bike from the ground up is a great learning experience and i actually kinda liked doing it. diving into the bottom end of the engine is pretty fun too
  13. waste of money to broadcast them during times when its pretty logical that no one who is interested in bikes will be watching. good bang for the buck is like someone said to advert during motorcycle events on tv, you KNOW there will be enthusiasts watching those events and you dont have to guess "well maybe there will be a few watching during nascar..." plus someone else said it, the rider and bike itself sitting in the restaurant parking lot or riding down the highway to the twisties is advert enough.
  14. lol i lost track of which one i posted in and when i went back to the one i thought i posted in, my post wasn't there (even though it was just in the other one all along) so i said it again! you're just jealous. i can tell.
  15. carburetors FTMFW! anyways chris, you doing it in teh shop or what? let me know and ill help when i can.
  16. just a note: you don't have to be dead set on gray. buy the bike of your choice regardless of color. you can always send it off to paul (attackpainter) to paint those one or two pieces for a good price. i didn't feel like sifting through 9 pages sorry if its already been said.
  17. one on campus as well. never got into disc golf, im huge on ultimate though.
  18. did you have stock front blinkers in prior to the protons? if it was stock -- this is a common problem with aftermarket signals and the running light wire causes the problem you are having. Only thing you can do is not connect the running light wire to anything and cap the end. if it was not stock -- i have no clue.
  19. you have trouble keeping straight anyways kawi.
  20. anyone considering going? its on a thursday so im not sure how many people that have real jobs are considering it. if you are going, and have a trailer with space available would you mind if my bike reserved a spot on the trailer? I'd pay my share of gas and whatnot. Thanks, PM me or just post up.
  21. any way to get them in white/red or red/white?
  22. vance and hines slip on. stock filter -- been proven many times that this is the best filter for my bike.
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