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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. nope never got into it more than what i did during season up with my uncles.
  2. everything on the bow: Browning Micro Adrenaline pre-set: 25" 40# draw: 22-27" weight: 35/50# string: 54 50"
  3. zomg! i love cleaning carbs!
  4. about 3-4 years old, used for half a season only. String broke at mid season when i botched the peep sight install, haven't used it since.
  5. *if this needs to be moved to firearms section go ahead* pics: yes i know they are bad quality its a browning bow, needs a new string (assume it would be replaced if put on sale). i dont know the exact specs such as draw weight and length etc, but they are on the bow so i could look it up easily. Forgive me for my lack of knowledge of proper terms as it has been a long time-- but it has an upgraded arrow holder, spring loaded; 3 "pin" sight; peep sight; arrow holder on bow. also case and arrows would be sold with it as well. i think i bought it for around 300-350 for everything including case. if you were buying this what would you pay?
  6. so basically we could pay 25 for two pulls on 4/4 or 50 dollars for unlimited pulls up to an hours time through the end of march? if i just want to do an initial run to get base numbers, ill stick with the 25 on 4/4, however is there any chance you do this kind of promotion later in the season when i get a different jet kit?
  7. my dream bodystyled porsche: 70-80's era 911 RSR with maybe a little engine mods such as upgrade to 3.8L twin turbo edit: with this engine-- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Porsche_935_Bi-Turbo_engine_TCE.jpg
  8. did your dad do that or buy it like that? very cool either way he must have the heart of a 16 yr old with the wallet of a 60 year old
  9. air cooled FTW. i've driven my dads a few times and i love the sound!
  10. lol shitty good stuff dude. i think...
  11. ill be there getting a starting number and my a/f ratio for tuning.
  12. please please tell me where i said people were riding over their heads or didn't have enough track time. all i did was post a link to the track day thread, if you are making those implications off of that take a step outside and get some fresh air. just another way for people to have fun without the stress of wondering whats around the next corner chillax. here's a candy bar for your troubles.
  13. all you need is one trackday to realize its benefits neg rep dude
  14. it may be an odd group but they are the ones that are on here the most (that dont cause drama) and are more able to watch over the board and make sure things don't get out of hand faster than before. makes sense to me.
  15. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=17239&highlight=mid+ohio once you go track you will never look at those roads the same ever again. not posting that for starting drama, just it would be a safer environment for you guys to push your bikes without worrying about outside variables. and it would be even better for the guys/gals who are new, as they wont have to worry about whats around the bend and concentrate on form and positioning.
  16. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=23229 for more info on that.
  17. http://www.factorypro.com/tech/carbtune,CV,high_rpm_engines.html doesn't have to be the FP kit.
  18. i was riding on woodruff the other week and i had earplugs in and the guy behind me was blasting music in his pickup truck. i heard sirens coming and pulled over, guy behind the truck honked at me for stopping and tried to go around me while the firetruck blasted his horn at the guy.
  19. obviously the person who wrote that law doesn't ride.
  20. we should merge this with whodey's and make one official fantasy league thread for o-r
  21. Ttt i made them in all three as well.
  22. how are the roads in cosh-town? are they clean or are they covered in sandy crap? i may make an effort to make it out there this spring.
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