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Posts posted by natedogg624

  1. I'm in. You tools going to try for a group discount or something?

    Anyone want to camp out the night before (depending on weather/time of year)? Hangovers at the track are a blast people!

    so you want to wake up at 630 with a hangover and be on track less than an hour and a half later? :nono:

    unless its after the session but by then im exhausted and fall right asleep until the next morning.

  2. plus 1 to flounder. you won't be able to tell a difference between the two (no offense) unless you are a seasoned track veteran.

    good ol regular pilot powers will do you just fine.

    sportbiketrackgear.com free shipping and to your door in a day.

    look to yota for your mounting needs.

  3. update: called csc this morning and talked to keith. based on what i told him he thinks it could be the logic board. also said it would be expensive to fix and recommended calling hp to send it in. it would be 90 dollars for the first hour at csc just to see what the problem is.

    first what is the logic board?

    second: anyone on here know how to determine if its the fan or logic board? (ben?)

    third: what would you do...

  4. holy cow!!! glad your ok though!

    i think i know the corner your talking about and that can be a doozy sometimes for sure.

    better to wreck now than early i always say (if your going to wreck that is)

    get better soon but don't let this deter your confidence at all your a great rider and this happens to the best of riders.

  5. gp plus gloves - everything that brian from STG said exactly. EXCELLENT ventilation!! wow i didn't expect it could actually be that good but it was. comfort is amazing and safety features all around. of course this isn't your glove for winter riding but it was good enough for street riding and i have no doubt it will be excellent for the track as well.

  6. I'm guessing that its right. If you blew a large amount of dust out, from experiance I guarantee theres still as much but thicker in it. I pull my heatsink and video card out of my desktop every few months and blow/clean them with a soft brush. You can blow out loose dust, but over time I actually gets thick, immobile and plugs the side which prevents cooling. (like a plugged air filter). Its up to you on what to do, but getting a good clean and fan would be my suggestion. Cleaning and leaving a old fan with bad bearings is just asking for it to stop and cook everything. Fans are cheap!

    And temp sensors are typically in the motherboard where the cu drops in, or spaced between the heatsink and cpu. If its the first going bad, then a new motherboard would be in order and your price starts to rise dramaticlly. Otherwise, it would be less expensive.

    thanks for that. unfortunately fans for my laptop are not cheap from OEM...like 80 bucks! but i checked ebay and some are going around 20 so i will have to jump on that. the thing about that is how do i know that its not just going to happen again...

    im electing to take it in and get it checked over, reading over the manual with all the little tiny small parts, i would bet my arm i would lose a screw or some important piece. plus this is something i need for school, unlike my bike which if i screw up i can let it sit for a few days while i think it over on what to do.

  7. what about a bad temperature sensor?

    i mean my computer was off all night and i turn it on and the first reading is already at 50C. doesn't seem right at all.

    the fan is somewhat connected to this temp sensor which maybe the reason its running faster than usual.

    does this seem like a possibility at all?

  8. means he got a 1pc... lol

    as for the sweat build up- you can unzip and get out of the upper portion and let it just dangle its not too much of an annoyance. this is how i was for in between sessions at mid oh and was just fine.

    it also will tell you if you are getting fat, if you don't fit into it anymore well its time to go to the gym haha.

  9. post 2: looks like some saw the same thing i did... buying a good helmet will go a looong way.

    second-- parts411.com is selling the gp plus gloves for 136.xx. So what i did was price match to STG.com and they honored it and gave me free shipping.

    a lot of parts411.com is selling the gear cheap. check there and bring those prices back to STG.com and get the products cheaper and faster.

    warning: you will NOT like the way parts411.com site is set up at all. you will get frustrated and angry.

    hint: when you find your part at parts411.com it gives you an item number 12312352 - 12341 - 234.

    the number between the dashes is their secret discount "code" eg in this case it would be 12341 you'd put in the discount code box at checkout to get your new price. this is the price you take back to stg obviously. also you would need to do each order individually to get the discount pricing on all of them in order to get the individual price on all your items. pain in the butt especially with as many products your looking up. but its worth it if it saves you money.

    (STG.com - sportbiketrackgear.com just in case you didn't get that)

    edit: i would wait on your suit order. check ebay every week or so this winter to catch those dealers getting prepped for the new riding season coming in and getting rid of last years inventory. i got my 600 dollar suit for 200 dollars from freebay. brand new.

    edit2: i sounded smart with these last two posts :p:cool:

  10. suit - 1 pc FTW. to me 2 piece's just look silly. why bother if you've already got a jacket for every day use you don't need the jacket from the 2 pc. 1 pc wins here.


    both are really good boots and i like the tech on the new pumas. thats totally up to you, not too many pumas around if you like to be unique.


    im getting the astar gp plus gloves tomorrow ill let you know how i like them. but i've researched/tried on gloves (and boots) for about 2.5 months now and for my street with track riding style the gp plus' were the way to go. i liked the pro but they seemed to track/race oriented.


    shark. good cool looking helmets for a good price (sportbiketrackgear.com) they are also ECE 22-05 certified which most (as well as me) will argue is well above and beyond any DOT/SNELL rating. (those europeans have high standards)

    quick question: why are you spending boat loads of money on suit/gloves/boots but not so much on your head, which some could say is the most important part of your body. not sayiing scorpions are bad at all, i like their helmets but spend a little (~$50) more and get something of better quality and a much better testing standard.

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