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Posts posted by natedogg624

  1. i got your video right here!

    listen to the beginning away from the mics if you can here it.

    and here is the article to follow it, pretty much copies it verbatum.

    Stoner and Rossi argue over incidents

    By Steven English Monday, July 21st 2008, 01:02 GMT

    Valentino Rossi and Casey Stoner exchanged words in parc ferme over a number of incidents in Sunday's MotoGP round at Laguna Seca.

    The pair battled for the lead for 24 of the 32 laps, passing and re-passing each other several times. Rossi spent the most time in front and was ahead when Stoner ran wide at the last corner and dropped his bike in the gravel.

    That granted Rossi an easy run to his maiden victory at Laguna, while Stoner recovered to finish second but complained about Rossi's riding after the race.

    A brief conversation in parc ferme when Rossi attempted to shake hands with Stoner was caught on the BBC's live television coverage:

    Rossi: "Great race."

    Stoner: "No, you can't race this way."

    Rossi: "That's racing, Casey."

    Stoner: "That's racing? Ok, we'll see."

    Stoner explained his complaint, claiming that some of Rossi's overtaking moves crossed the line between aggressive and 'too much'.

    "It was about two or three moves, I think everybody will have seen them," he told the BBC. "A couple of other moves were alright, nice and clean, but there were a couple I wasn't happy with.

    "I've been in hard racing all my life, some very aggressive racing, but today was a little bit too much. I nearly went in the gravel so many times and I don't think it was necessary. I was so nearly on the floor it wasn't funny."

    The Australian later expanded on his view, and also suggested that Rossi braked earlier than usual at the final corner which caused him to run wide before falling in the gravel.

    "I was just trying to find a point where I could get past where I knew he wasn't going to come barreling up the inside and wipe us both out," said Stoner. "We're here to try to score points, not to end a race. Even when I ran wide in the corner I could easily have gone into the back of Valentino and both of us gone down.

    "He seemed to brake a lot earlier than normal. I nearly stayed on the track and I'd completely let off the brakes just to get it round to the right of him. I'm disappointed with my mistake. I could have caught it, I suppose. He'd done it a few times in the race so I should have been expecting it, but that time I just couldn't stop quick enough. I felt like I was going to plough into the back of him so I just let the brakes off and went around."

    When asked whether the outcome of the race makes him think he should be more aggressive in future, Stoner replied: "I don't know whether I should because I've had problems before. I got fined two years ago for getting slightly in the way of Dani Pedrosa on a qualifying lap. I didn't mean to but I got fined for it.

    "Dani or Valentino wouldn't get fined for this, but I get fined for it. So I'm worried if I do the same display I'll have punishment put on me, so I prefer to stay away from this and ride clean, aggressive but clean. If everything's kept fair and square it's alright, but I'm wondering sometimes whether they make decisions for certain reasons.

    "But, look, Valentino rode a great race and I have nothing against that, just a couple of his overtaking moves, for me, were past the point. But I spoke to him about it on the podium and we'll just get on with the next weekend."

    Rossi dismissed the claims of over-aggression, telling Italia1 television: "What a great race. I'm sorry Stoner complained. I understand our fight was very aggressive, but I think he complained most of all because he ended up behind. I'm very sad that he was angry at the beginning but I think after a race like this it's normal when you arrive behind.

    "I think the battle was normal, I never touched him, I never ran wide. The overtaking moves were tough but I always passed under braking, which is where I'm stronger. This is racing and every overtake was very clear for me.

    "The only time he tried to pass me he touched me with the wheel on the elbow, so I should be more upset than him!"

    He was also quick to deny that he braked earlier than usual at the final corner on the lap of Stoner's fall.

    "No, no, no. I never make this type of thinking in my career and I become angry if he says this," said Rossi. "I'm good to overtake, not to brake before. I think he made a mistake and you need to admit when you made a mistake. I didn't brake before, for sure. I didn't even know he crashed, I saw the next lap."

    Rossi added that he was genuinely quick enough to win the race and warned Stoner that he is fighting hard to win the championship.

    "I was going quick and, except on the front straight where the Ducati is a bit quicker than our bike, I don't think I was slowing him down. I wanted to win, Stoner cannot think we're here to play games: we're fighting to win, this is racing.

    "I've been racing for a long time and, except for these last few years, I remember races to be like this and no one ever complained. Casey is very strong, but we are fast and we are ready for the battle."

    The Italian went on to describe one of the moves that Stoner wasn't happy with, where Rossi squeezed past Stoner into the Corkscrew and bounced wide over the gravel as he dropped down the hill.

    "It was fun, like an old style race with some hard overtaking back to back. That move was fantastic, he braked late but I braked even later. We went a bit wide but that's a peculiar corner so it can happen. When I realised I was going on the gravel I worried a bit, but the gravel here has good grip!

    "In the end, it was the most important victory this year and I think I deserved it. Anyway, he made his mistake alone."

  2. announcers were ok but its still more fun listening to the eurosport tv guys do the race.

    that ducati was all over the place, so im not sure that anyone with experience could handle that monster not even rossi (he was offered a ride by duc for next year, that would have been interesting) props to stoner especially with how little he is!

    hope hayden goes to duc next year for sure that would be sweet, seems all the cards are lining up that way...

    i think they said at the end of the race lorenzo broke his middle bone in his right/left foot.

  3. wow! what an amazing race!

    im referring to the Laguna USGP, amazing battle between rossi and stoner from the beginning for 10-14 laps back and forth back and forth rubbing fairings

    o man, too bad stoner's backend slid out...

    good for the US too especially on a main network station CBS. shows our predominate redneck racer watchers of CRAPCAR that there is more to racing than left turns and big overweight cars.

  4. psh thats just a guy bored of riding and decided to pull out his gun...

    a REAL speed trap is where they have a trooper in the median, usually hiding after a curve or blind hill, you are caught speeding but he doesn't come after you. whew! not so fast, the relayed your information to a waiting trooper. over the next blind spot a trooper literally standing in the middle of the highway points at you to pull over if you don't pull over their are multiple troopers waiting like dogs to chase you down.

    thats a speed trap...

    btw this didn't happen to me but a lot of my friends got caught that way. on 675 near enon and 444 a few weeks ago.

  5. the hjc mirrored isn't as tinted as you think it would be. i have no problems riding with it at night. although obviously i wont do hard canyon riding but its good enough to get me from where i am to home safely.

    i also rode home from OU to cbus with my dark smoke at 1am on 33. was thinking it was a dumb decision but i my eyes adjusted better than i thought.

    i want a new SHARK helmet the new eagle looks freaking sweet. is it a bad that i already have 2...


  6. the VERY FIRST DAY i rode my bike...

    come out of the little 90 degree turn near my house twist the throttle and back end backs around like im powersliding only less cooler somehow i keep the throttle on (which i know now is what i was supposed to do). anyways for some newb reason i went WOT right after that and did a good shit my pants wheelie over a stomach dropper hill.

    it was pretty much the bike saying "respect me bitch"

  7. ^ok but to counter that statement, what about when our insurance rates go up because of an increase in motorcycle fatalities.

    if we don't have a helmet law, ALL of us will be affected by increasing rates, whereas if we do have a helmet law, the people who don't wear their helmet will feel the hit to the pocket. not the entire riding community.

  8. well if they make us wear seatbelts but not helmets then we should at least abolish the seatbelt law. nothing wrong with that right...? i agree that the govt has no place in forcing us to be safe. its my choice right? but if they've already got the seatbelt law locked down might as well try and tack on a helmet law to that as well IMO

    and no kawi kid i know not everyone will abide by it but it will certainly make more people wear it. there are so many people that could have been saved by a simple helmet.

    and i know some will argue those are the dumb idiots we want off the road anyways but still i do not like to see or read front page in the paper about anyone get hurt or killed in a motorcycle wreck.

    and harb that is my BIGGEST pet peeve is seeing riders with the helmet on the side. wtf? but thats another topic :)

  9. ok so i don't know about any of you, but i am an avid wearer of helmets, yes there were the few times when i was newbie if it were a short trip that i didn't wear it and chose oakleys over safety im guilty of that. but i have since grown out of that phase and always wear my helmet now and encourage other riders to do the same.

    ever since i've been in high school if i ever had to do a research paper it was always motorcycle related, and most of the time relating to helmet laws and why ohio doesn't have them.

    i don't have enough time to write out a full essay and frankly i dont think anyone here wants to read it. but most of my research found that people don't want a law requiring the use of a helmet because of the freedom of choice and it basically centers around taken away a persons right to choose or something to that nature. i never really found a way to counter that argument until today, talking to my ol' wise grandma about the subject.

    i told her that there are two states that border each other, one with the helmet law and the other without, and when the riders cross the border into the state that doesn't have the law, they pull over and take their helmets off. this completely baffled her and said "then why do they make us wear seatbelts."

    if i dont wear a seatbelt im only putting myself at risk, same goes for a helmet. yet they make us wear seatbelts but don't require helmets to be worn. doesn't make any sense to me.

    and there are the obvious factors about wearing a helmet such as decreasing the risk of serious head trauma, etc.

    what are your thoughts on the matter? im seriously considering starting to meet with state officials to see what i/we can do about it.

    people who don't wear helmets and refuse to do so i would also like to see your comments on here as well. and please respect everyone's opinion on the matter whether it be for or against.

  10. did that same thing in cbus on one of my afternoon rides. it was wet and there was a surprise gravel patch in the apex. couldn't do that well of evasive maneuvering because my rear tread was uber low, just coasted it through i would say a good 250-300 feet until i could stop on a driveway. i could have sworn i was going to go down at least twice.

    if your offroading on a sportbike chances are the best thing to do is to just let it work itself out, meaning dont brake gas or steer and you'll be Aok lol

    its probably best not to offroad in the first place.

  11. its going to get all taped.

    only problem about pulling my fuse is that it also controls the instrument panel. speedo i could care less about but i need my tach...

    so im just going to pull the plugs for the front lights and signals, and tape over them, as well as the rear and pull the plug on them as well.

    im going to end up making a switch for it easiest option at this point.

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