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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. it is an HP Pavilion dv5000. i remember finding a manual somewhere through HP and it looked pretty complicated... and the part for the fan was expensive too as it wasn't just a fan but one unit that containted the fan and other things as well... even after letting the computer rest over night completely shut down, turning it on this morning the core temps were around 50C
  2. running coretemp: both core's are operating around 60C. but easily fluctuate. from some research i've done i believe this is about 20C over what normal is... what about needing reapply some thermal paste to my processor? viable idea or solely the fan dying? and is the labor something i could do with good instruction or don't bother?
  3. title says it but ill explain it in detail. for the past year or so my fan has been getting louder and louder meaning its spinning faster than it should for the applications im running. for instance im just browsing the internet now and it sounds like im running a full on heavy duty PC game. also lately it sounds like the fan is off kilter or not balanced correctly anymore. blew some compressed air in to the fan openings and that blew out a ton of dust but still didn't fix the problem. when playing games most of the time is when it will shut down randomly, which blows... and it just started to shut down randomly while watching movies. obviously i dont want to turn the fan speed down bc i know its protecting the processor etc. and the shut down is a safety measure to prevent it from getting ruined but this is annoying. tried looking in the bios this morning to find some info stating my temperatures and fan speed but i couldn't find it for some reason. i could have been looking in the wrong place entirely. its a laptop btw so i really don't want to take it apart to get a new one or fix whatever's wrong unless you say its easier than it looks... so how do i check my temps and fan speeds? and what is your advice on fixing this (cost and labor in mind)? even though this laptop is 2 years old now its still got some top of the line stuff in there so id rather keep it than replace it.
  4. thanks for the offer! i got something called power data recovery that is currently doing its thing right now. kinda cool actually, its able to pull all my files that were supposedly gone and im now copying them onto another external HD. then reformatting my corrupted HD and putting the files that i saved back on. hopefully everything goes to plan, i think it should work everything looked and worked good (movies, audio etc) when i tested it through this program. ill let you know.
  5. dude if she's there... that settles it then! i just need to squeeze in a ton of studying time. midterm on the origins of WWI... seems easy but its not.
  6. i know how you feel only on a MUCH MUCH smaller level. just lost a ton of crap off my external HD no thanks to linux:ubuntu... but its my own fault i installed it wrong and now i have to live with 200 gigs of lost movies, music, games etc... cheers for all the hard work you do! (and its not even your real job...) thanks for emptying my PM box btw i was going to do that the day the server went down lol.
  7. you could just not use your front stand... you could do what an old school track guy taught me is to just put the front tire onto a towel thats folded up a few times to use as a cushion for the tire. towel is much cheaper than a new stand... i just started mine and let run for a loooong time got fully warm and stayed at that temp for a while and then i shut her down. if the streets weren't salty i went up and down the neighborhood. also kept it on the tender all winter. valve check. heh i need to do that too, let me know how that goes... easy hard what? ill be tearing mine down as soon as i get a front stand (xmas tgift!) hopefully she'll be a rolling chassis only by mid jan. it'll keep me sane during those cold winter months.
  8. 2x the limit is hard enough in a car, can't imagine on a big heavy harley...
  9. hmm clutch springs. didn't think of that. yes i did make sure to keep them in the exact spot and order in removal and re-installation. ill have to check that out next time i open her up. o and yes they are the correct friction plates to be installed on my model. springs are only 4 bucks a pop, ill order those tomorrow.
  10. anyway to get different mounting brackets? or is it model specific...
  11. o and that O ring, is that something generic i can pick up at autozone, or do i really need to order it from OEM store...
  12. UPDATE--thanks for freaking me out 12 haha: pulled plates out, inspected them with micrometer and flush surface. all within spec and no bluing. oil is draining as we speak...nothing unusual in oil, no metal flakes or anything of that nature (i got a sudden burst of energy...)
  13. which part of what i described is serious? this is the generic response im getting on my r6 board. if its the smoke- after thinking about it i know i've seen it before. again its not bellowing out, its just there, like a smoker...clutch--i have heard it before i just wanted to know what it was. again just sounds like the plates engaging and disengaging. its not a serious sounding issue, im not that great at describing what i hear. and tried the video, can't hear it on there. smell--nothing burning so not worrying too much about this one. haha no touchy...
  14. and no i don't have the number one amount of real problems nick. sheesh.
  15. another description of the smoke out of oil cap issue: it doesn't blow out like there is no tomorrow, think of it as if you smoke and inhale and then open your mouth without exhaling, and the smoke just kinda slowly comes out of your mouth. that kinda way. (i dont smoke so not sure if that happens or not, just thought i've seen my grandma do it before)
  16. thats cuz im still figuring this thing out. of course its going to have its "problem" if you can even call it that. this may not even be a problem... just something i need to realize its normal. since im still somewhat a "newb" compared to some on here, i dont really know for sure what to worry about or not. most of them im just curious and like to ease my mind...
  17. i should also point out i changed the oil and filter after the clutch change... and i soaked the plates for a good hour.
  18. ok so doing a little ride tonight nothing hard, nothing easy. anyways come back from my ride sitting in the driveway engine on in neutral. i pull in the clutch a noise goes away. let it out a noise comes back, obviously its the clutch. sounds like a burbling, or a bad case of the stomach growls... i open up the oil cap and smoke of some sort comes out of it. this smoke has a scent but does NOT smell like burnt clutch plates (believe me i know what that smells like), burned oil or gas, but a scent nonetheless. if i was in chem class and needed to describe it for an A, i would say some sort of gas/oil mix (again not burned though and my nose isn't the best) also while the cap was off, engine on, some sort of (clear) air comes out in a strong force like an exhaust, only out of the clutch cover oil cap. lastly, on the timing/ignition cover (the circle with the large flathead slot) there is some oil that seems to have been dripping over time. not oozing out or pouring out, its just there. any ideas as to what these could be? don't want to open it up, since im running out of time in the night, ill be gone all weekend, and since it runs and works fine and nothing about these symptoms is scary, i won't open it up til after my trackday on tuesday. nothings been done to the bike recently, only thing is a clutch change a couple months ago now. i routinely checked the bike to make sure everything was ho hum for a while after that, and since i stopped all this^ i've noticed. i've described everything to the best of my ability, and if you ask a question ill try and give you an answer to the best of my ability.
  19. i haven't had a plate mount since i've had the bike and never ever gotten a warning. why are you going to set your bike up for when you have your feet on the ground when its 1% of the TOTAL time your going to be riding it, hopefully your feet are on the pegs when you ride... something i always say to people about lowering their bikes...but if you don't care and just want to learn then thats OK! but once you get more acclimated make sure you start raising that bike back up as much as you can. unless you wanna be like ninjanick and 2insanezx10r and be squidly posers
  20. alright i figured it out. i was just more concerned about the front alignment, about one side of the fork being different/off from the other. but now that i think about it, if i did twist it, it twisted in the fork housing it self (like jagr said). meaning the top turned but the bottom didn't move, i have conventional "normal" forks, NOT upside down forks of the modern sportbike. (didn't move a lot i was just trying to explain) talked with a suspension guy i know and he said it should be fine. all good!
  21. ok some background first: when i first bought it, the forks stuck out above the stock clip ons around 3-5mm's (they are supposed to be flush) then i found out it had 70 profile on their from guy before (supposed to be 60, was dropped to accomodate for raise in height from 70 series tire) following me? so on a whim i checked the heights more precisely this time. the right side was off by 2 mm from the left. sounds small but its a lot. i evened them up so now they are both 3mm above the triple. im going to leave it like this because my next tire will be a 70. so im just going to deal with the geo change until then. ok now that thats over. i think it was like this before but i never really payed attention. i don't believe i twisted the fork when i evened it out...but i could have and not realized it. how do i check to see if its straight? really the only thing that would be affected is the way the pads are hitting the rotor am i right?
  22. quickie question that is. i changed the geometry of the bike somewhat, lowered the front a few mm's. anyways when i change the rebound on the top the clicks are somewhat off. by off i mean one is a 90deg angle and the other is maybe a 80deg angle from top. worry about it change it or is this eh im ok?
  23. im in the process of safety wiring my bike. at least the three big ones: filter, cap and level check. obviously i have a ways to go but that will be a winter project... anyways, anyone know of a place i can get something like this, without having to order it online such as a lowes or something? also can i find safety pins, (for things such as the oil cap and brake caliper bolts, so i can remove the clip but still maintain safety wire) and R clips at lowes as well?
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