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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. yea now i know its not supposed to be finger tight. i was doing too much reading on how to remove it online without the wrench and all the posts said their's were finger tight. just got confused. i dont have a dremel that i can do that with, i guess ill just have to get the part. frick.
  2. i need to borrow this tool to remove my engine and swingarm. i really don't want to spend 50+ bucks on something ill use maybe two more times... if you don't know what it is, its basically a socket with two "castle's" on top exactly 180 deg opposite one another. i've tried budging it with wd40/lithium grease, punch and a hammer and its not moving. its only supposed to be finger tight but im assuming over time its just gotten stuck... any ideas? i don't have a dremel i can use to cut a socket up so no dice on that idea ahead of time.
  3. good read. not from cnn or anything like that, although some well put out ideas. quoted from a educated guy on another forum:
  4. lol my gf was laughing at me watching me do the "dance" to get into the suit. ok well what i do is this, its similar yet different for everyone. get my legs in and up to where they need to be on my waist, don't zip it up yet or get into the arms. now zip down your ankle and put on your boots. and then put the rest of your suit on like you normally would. i made that mistake countless times before i realized i could just put my boots on halfway through... still do it nowadays from time to time. if im not riding ill just take the arms out and let it hang by my waist. a little more comfortable when resting, and this usually gives me enough room to go to the bathroom... the hardest part for me actually was figuring a new way to get the suit on when i got my back protector. doing it the way i had done it for a few months just made the protector slide up and hit my neck. now its even more awkward looking to put it all on... but its worth it.
  5. no i took the old one out. i had used the original armor/suit for about a month prior.
  6. teknic speedstar back protector. at first it was odd just because i've never had anything like it, but nowadays i can't even tell its there. full protector from neck to tailbone.
  7. it will be the most uncomfortable thing for the first few times. it took about a good 3 hard days of riding before it was really comfortable. remember it is a second skin. as for the crotch thing that should break in, is there no stretch material down there? obviously you shouldn't rip a seam and if you do maybe take it to get it tailored a bit. i know i have a stitch or two busted in my groin area but its not a road bearing stitch so im not tooo worried about it although i am fixing it this off season. did you get any protection at all (ie back/chest protector)? i know the little half back thing in my suit was crap and then i bought a full length protector and i like that a lot better and am currently in the market for a chest protector.
  8. its not too cold. but i really have no means of riding since my bike is nearly down to the bare frame.
  9. on the topic of brembo's: i haven't seen one in person and i know what they are designed for, but can they hook up to normal SS brake lines? i haven't seen a definitive bottom picture where it shows the hook up. so if someone were to get this would they need new special lines or the OEM or SS aftermarket be ok (galfer/speigler/goodridge)
  10. ^they make good food. at least the woman in my life does...
  11. is this for season passes only? any way to get a discount on single day with rental? planning on going there at least once but not enough to make up for a season pass.
  12. ^^i could try something simple like the two rod method. ill try harder after thursday. i didn't really dink around too much tonight just got that point and tried for a bit and stopped since i had too much other stuff to do tonight. my question is i don't even know what its for... i got the nut off and the "axle" out just fine. this is the only thing holding the swingarm on right now... it may have been finger tight when first put on, but im pretty sure it hasn't been off for at least a good 5 years...
  13. tried taking out the swingarm today. got the bolt off and the axle out but there is a pivot adjuster that i need to take out as well... i dont want to buy a tool i would use once. anyone know of a way to make one? or know what im talking about for that matter...?
  14. well looks like i got a lot of work to do then...
  15. tomato--tomahto. same same then steve's time...
  16. my goal by the end of the year is to keep up with lizard's 600 times at mid oh... but like its already been said, get something that you won't cry over if you wreck it (say for instance into the beach at the end of mid ohio's backstraight...). turn key, already set up that'd be my choice.
  17. yes. the smx plus is the boot i moved to now and i love them! you will too! these boots are about 2 yrs old.
  18. i am happy with them. i would wear them again if i had too. i've just moved on to better boots.
  19. bingo. you get something expensive your always going to have this thought in the back of your mind. get something cheaper not the bike of your dreams and that thought goes away. riding without that fear will boost your confidence at the track. also wouldn't recommend something where you have to put a lot of time and effort into it. then you become attached to it and that thought if you wreck comes back a little bit. its a trackbike. get something that works. doesn't need to be shiny. if you can get something that when i knock it over and you won't get mad then thats the bike for you.
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