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Posts posted by Tomcat0403

  1. type of bankruptcy makes a big difference, you should be fine regardless, if you work a full time job you'll be able to survive. After all, it;s your parents not you...you probably wont have to get rid of anything to survive, also think of it this way, if you arent making payments on it it really isnt costing you to have...not to mention if you ride your bike a lot (i mean a lot) you save tons on gas....i have a jeep wrangler that gets damn near 12 mpg and the amount that i ride it really doesnt cost me to have the bike compared to the miles that i woulkd have put on the jeep...not to mention the upkeep of the jeep which is ridiculous

  2. i really dont care if it is left or right...the economy should be left alone and the government should stop dabbling in every damn thing, where does it make sense to double the national debt to try and fix the economy and create an inflated government with CZARS and all sorts of other shit....THE WORD CZARS should raise some fucking eyebrows anyways! Who the hell thought that that would be a good idea! to create this team of people to control, undermine existing systems, and report directly to the President all handpicked by the President.

    Does this not sound like anything other than a bad idea?????

    I still maintain the even though the President is the Commander-in-Chief, he should not be allowed to handpick who is in charge of the military due to the fact that the military would be the controlling force if any sort of control would try to be forced upon the citizens of the US. For the President to be able to control who is in charge of all of these extremely high powered postions is way too much control for one man.

  3. Agreed he is there because of us, the killing of innocents on purpose and for fun should never be tolerated and that right there give us the right to go kick whoevers ass is doing it...I still love the quote "with great power comes great responsibility"

    on that note we should be in darfur and all of the other shitholes where people are literally being butchered, raped, and enslaved daily

  4. Oops! I wasn't awake when I posted that! I thought I was reading Hooter's wings there!

    I totally agree, Rooster's, Donkey Sauce, winar! I usually put my fingers in a Donkey, since I'm lazy, and fu*king sheep is too much work for me....


  5. Meh feelings are like assholes, sometimes people just get all butthurt over nothing... that didn't even make sense.

    There hasn't been a single thing done or said that would lead us down the path of some complete socialist society.

    bullshit....government run business, healthcare...really that's not leaning towards socialism at all

    there should have been no bailout and the companies should have been allowed to falter or adapt

  6. careful how you put things...don't belittle the things they have done over there regardless of how it was started...

    not that killing innocent men, women, and children with chemical and biological weapons is itself a reason to have that motherfu*ker hunted down and killed...too bad it took so damn long for us to have the balls to go in there and get his ass...it should have been done a long time ago...but i digress

  7. Clarification...If I had a kid I would at least sit down and talk to him afterwards, due to the fact that i feel that Pres. Obama has duped the entire nation; during the election, the first 100 days, and currently, into believing every word he says and i feel that he possibly...maybe...might be trying to create a following and setting up the next generation for him...

    my evidence (IMO) is what was stated above

  8. Wow if you have a real problem with your kids listening or watching the president speak in school you might want to take a hard look at yourself as a parent.

    not that this President duped the entire nation or anything and is "leading" the country to a place where i do not want to be...

    NTM that the fervor that people were drawn to him was bullshit in the way that I feel that people voted for him for things that are and will be too good to be true, all for the sake of "change" because things are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking terrible in this country....boo freaking hoo.

    I am not saying that things cannot be better but jesus h christ, go live anywhere else in the world and take a good hard look at US and ask yourself, "what do i really have to complain about?"

    these opinions are mine and not meant to offend personally, as always feel free to retort

  9. That's just the public system and you won't stop that. Sending your children to school is merely a formality. Real intelligence and education should always develop at home. School is just another tool to enhance growth. It is only what parents allow it to be. Stay involved and don't let the school 'indoctrinate' your children unless you want them to.

    agreed...but the issue is that many parents suck these days and rely on schools to develop their kids. Hence the reason for the large growth of drugs in schools and fucked up kids in general...parents aren't part of kids lives anymore and dont pay attention to the sign that their kids are fooked up...drives me insane. Worthington was ok when I was there, but I always thought that they should search lockers routinely, never once was there a mass locker search, in which they would have found thousands of dollars in drugs...the reason behind this (and no exhageration) they did not want to find the drugs and have to admit or even have the public consider the district had a drug problem...

  10. From Fox News


    Regine Gordon doesn't want her 6-year-old son to hear from President Obama next week.

    Gordon, of Tampa, Fla., is among a growing number of parents across the country who are troubled by the president's plan to address elementary, middle and high school students in an online and televised speech Tuesday.

    "It's a form of indoctrination, and I think, really, it's indicative of the culture that the Obama administration is trying to create," Gordon told FOXNews.com on Thursday. "It's very socialistic."

    After writing letters to her congressmen and school officials, Gordon said her son, David, will be allowed to participate in an alternative activity at Gorrie Elementary School during Obama's address, which comes on the first day of school for many children.

    "I'm waiting to hear from his teacher, but I have told them to go ahead and I'd like [David] to go do something else," Gordon said. "It's kind of like going through the children to get to their parents. Children are very vulnerable and excited. I mean, this is the president. I think it's an underhanded tactic and indicative of the way things are being done."

    But some parents won't be allowed to "opt-out" their kids everywhere. At least one school district, Tempe Elementary School District No. 3 in Arizona, is not permitting parents to pull their children out of class during Obama's speech.

    "I have directed principals to have students and teachers view the president's message on Tuesday," Superintendent of Schools Dr. Arthur Tate Jr. said in a statement Thursday. "In some cases, where technology will not permit access to the White House Web site, DVDs will be provided to classes on subsequent days. I am not permitting parents to opt out students from viewing the president's message, since this is a purely educational event."

    The White House said Wednesday that the president's address is intended to be an inspirational, pro-education message to all students at the beginning of the school year. But critics objected to the language of one of the lesson plans, for students in pre-kindergarten through grade 6, which suggested that students "write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president." Another assignment for students after hearing the speech was to discuss what "the president wants us to do."

    The suggestion about writing letters has since been changed to: "Write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short-term and long-term education goals. These would be collected and redistributed at an appropriate later date by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals."

    White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said the changes to the language are intended to make the lesson plans clearer. He added that the speech the president's speech will not be a policy speech, but is intended to encourage kids to work hard and commit to school.

    But that hasn't assuaged concerns of Michelle Moore of St. Louis, who says she's considering keeping her two daughters out of the classroom at Lindberg High School when Obama begins to speak.

    "I have to sign permission slips for my kids to watch R-rated movies in school," Moore said, explaining that she felt parents were being blindsided by the president's address. "It was simply presented, 'Hey, we're going to do this, this is when it's going to air and you're going to show it to your kids.'"

    Moore suggested that the speech be issued as a DVD to students so they can view it with their parents at home, adding that the first day of classes for many students will be a harried affair.

    "That's their first day," she said. "I would think they have plenty of other things to do."

    The idea of having Obama speak directly to children without so much as a permission slip being sent home just "makes you feel a little funny," said Beth Milledge of Winterset, Iowa. She said she plans on going to school with her 8-year-old son to watch the address with him.

    "I want to know how it's being presented," she said. "I'm all for my child having respect for the president, but why wouldn't he show us the speech first and then go from there?"

    Dana Loesch, spokeswoman for the Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, has started a campaign to ask schools to provide an alternative to the speech for parents who do not wish their children to experience a presidential address in school. Loesch has urged parents to contact schools directly to find out if the "partisan presentation" will air in their child's classroom.

    "It went straight from the Department of Education right to the principals," Loesch told FOX News. "There's a lot of parents who have spoken to me [and] they've talked to their principals, and it kind of 'weirded' them out a little because this is also the first that protocol has been skipped."

    Several school districts contacted by FOXNews.com, including those in Milwaukee and St. Louis, said individual teachers will decide whether to air the address in their classrooms.

    "We're allowing teachers to decide," an Austin, Texas, school official told FOXNews.com. "But most of the kids will be at lunch. It's not going to be a big issue here."

    In Austin, school district officials say a speech by any sitting president is worthy of "Americans' time, attention and consideration," according to a statement by the Austin Independent School District (AISD) to FOXNews.com. Teachers who believe the address will be beneficial to their students will allow viewing in the classroom.

    "It is AISD's expectation that viewing of this Web address will vary by campus and by classroom," the statement continued. "Parents will be advised by their campus principals to alert the school if they have a specific desire to have their child included in, or removed from, the viewing of the president's remarks."

    Parents in Milwaukee will have the option to remove their children by "simply informing the school of their preference," spokeswoman Roseann St. Aubin said.

    Virginia Department of Education spokesman Charles Pyle told the Associated Press that a number of school divisions asked the agency for guidance this week after parents concerned with the address contacted local officials.

    The department says it's up to districts to determine whether a school or class views the address, and teachers who choose to incorporate the president's speech into their lessons are also free to develop their own classroom activities, the Associated Press reports.

    Other districts, including those in New York City and Boston, won't even have classes that day. Officials at the Philadelphia School District declined comment.

    National Parent Teacher Association President Chuck Saylors told FOXNews.com the presidential speech is something that should have happened years ago.

    "Regardless of who is in the White House, when the president of the United States wants to give the students a beginning-of-the-year, do-your-best type of presentation, it should be supported," he said. "[but] if parents want their children to opt-out, they're certainly in their rights to do that."

    Several statewide parent teacher associations, including those in Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee and others, did not respond to requests for comment on how their members are advising teachers how to present the presidential address in class.

    Gainell Rogers, president-elect of the Utah Parent Teacher Association, said she has "confidence in the decisions" of local school officials.

    "We believe that decisions in the best interest of students are most effective when made at the local level," Rogers told FOXNews.com. "Each local school district will decide what is best for their students and patrons and those decisions will reflect input from parents."

    If it really is a "do your best" speech i guess that's ok, but the Admin and the schools are really pushing this hard and again, if it were the other side of the spectrum and any other president would ask for it i do not believe that it would be taken seriously. Also, to force kids to watch it and include it in the lesson plans and things of that nature are way too extreme for me and it seems like something fishy is going on...again just my take...


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