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Posts posted by Tomcat0403

  1. Just thought this was funny haven't been following the ohio-riders poser group much but a friend who logs on to get a good laugh told me to check this thread out. 25% of you losers don't speed at all thats a laugh even the slowest of 600's will do 160ish guess all your gear must be weighting you down. But at least if you can look fast with all your gear on even if you don't know how to ride right? Your site is funny and on the past couple rides I have been on, ohio-riders has been a pretty good source of jokes so keep up the ignorant posts (does every post need 8 follow up posts of lol or rofl or some smiley face) and keep setting up rides nobody bothers to attend.

    :ban: wow...just give up...

  2. hit it on the head. It pisses me off especially the 315 cops. Its pathetic I came home from work on a Monday night at 11:30 PM and there was one sitting right next to where it turns 45mph out with a laser. Really? That late shouldnt they be on the streets patrolling? I dont pay taxes so they can sit outside their car and try to make money for the city. I got a ticket for 69 in a 45 because the second I passed the 45 mph sign he got me with a laser as I was slowing down. The city shares in the spoils with the county because some days itll be city cops and the next itll be deputys sitting out there. Ahhh pisses me off

    I saw that cop last night, he was on the hospital curve on the inside lane right? I was surprised he didnt get me...

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