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Posts posted by Tomcat0403

  1. As anyone knows who was at bike night last night, my battery is completely dead (thanks for the bump start gents and my second solo bump start thanks to Carie;):D) and does anyone think there is a great difference between a Yuasa and a bikemaster battery. Honestly in our bikes at the shop I have found that the Yuasas have a longer life without being charged (as we ride the bikes from the back of the shop to the front and vice versa everyday), but can i justify the price difference?

    Yuasa ytz10s vs. Bikemaster btz10s = difference of around 80 dollars


  2. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,541221,00.html?test=latestnews

    Altered Sears Web Site Offers Grill to 'Cook Babies'

    Thursday, August 20, 2009 foxnews_story.gif

    By Joshua Rhett Miller

    0_61_grill_320.jpg TMZ.com

    A grill for "human cooking" was briefly offered by Sears Thursday afternoon. Company officials say it was the work of "someone visiting" its Web site.

    The Web site for department store giant Sears offered a gruesome sales pitch Thursday — a grill that could "cook babies" and be used to roast body parts.

    The goof, first reported by TMZ.com, listed any grill viewed by visitors to the company's Web site under the category of "human cooking > Grills to Cook Babies and More > Body Part Roaster." The wording apparently was the work of a mischievous customer and, when discovered, was quickly changed, but not before TMZ.com captured a screengrab.

    Representatives from Sears said they were victimized by "someone visiting" the company's Web site2.gif.

    "We discovered earlier today that someone visiting our site had defaced a limited number of product pages," the company said in a written statement to FOXNews.com. "It’s important for our customers to know that we have no reason to believe that any of our customer or financial data were compromised.

    "We’ve already taken steps to prevent this from happening again. We sincerely apologize to any customers who may have seen this on our site."


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