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About ninjachk08

  • Birthday August 29

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  • Name
    Danielle Bone
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  • Vehicles(s)
    '20 Kawasaki Ninja 650
    '20 HD Road Glide Limited

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  1. Cheap track suits...can those words go together? Lol
  2. Plan on going this year. Wish they didn't move it from UD Arena
  3. I'm gonna try to talk the hubs to join this ride. We'd definitely be in the slow group
  4. At the Dark Horse? Hell yeah that's not far for me! I'll see if I can get the hubs to come out with me. What happened to Little York Tavern?
  5. ninjachk08

    Cleveland IMS

    I agree with wolfeman. We were not that impressed. It felt smaller than last year, in Chicago, not that much merch to shop for.
  6. ninjachk08

    Cleveland IMS

    Does anyone know for sure if they have coat check?
  7. ninjachk08

    Cleveland IMS

    My husband and I will be there Saturday afternoon! This will be my first time back to the Cleveland show, since a big OR trip in '09. I'm afraid I won't recognize anyone if I see them. Lol We went to the Indy show in '13! Went to Chicago last year. Decided to keep it closer this year. Thanks for sharing! Saved me $$
  8. http://dayton.craigslist.org/for/5165475348.html
  9. Jackass has a new owner and name. Now known as Rip Rap Roadhouse. Might be going out to QSL tomorrow night.
  10. 2 sets. $20 per set or $35 or both. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mpo/5034229483.html
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