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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. aaron, danielle, aaron and nick. lol
  2. i think 4,9?? ..well maybe right at 5?lol idk i dont feel like gettin my papers well, i had good credit.. but moving out on my own.. i decided i had to have new/nice furniture.. and when i got the bike, my score wasnt as high as it used to be.. but nick was right, ill pay whatever if i want it.lol
  3. riiight..and you was the one making fun of me being WOT and not goin anywhere??!! j.k
  4. its what we use on my other forum.. its like testing the water, to see if there would be any takers if you do put it up for sale.
  5. thanks kawi kid!! we need to go ride! lol ok.. i didnt want to share this cuz i know more than likely i got :sexytime:bent over, but my payoff is 4,869.65...BUT i did spend another 600 for the lifetime/extended warrenty. BUT thats also with a 14.75% rate.
  6. i dont want to see anyone's butts.. but, its their choice how they wear their clothes.. might as well tell woman its against the law to wear shirts that show clevage or belly??
  7. i have to agree!! superchargers make me happy in my pants!! mike, i like the old grill better..lol the new grill just looks stock
  8. ?? do they make one? well, i do love the 14!! lol esp. after i took it down the road.hehe
  9. im sorry ananda!! dont hate me.lol hey, i want one, but then someone told me no, cuz its always a squid's bike/first bike
  10. no, if i did, i would just trade it in
  11. you think? even tho they're 3,4xx?
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