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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. ninjachk08


    wow! thats my word too.haha
  2. you can teach me how to do a wheelie like you taught nick! haha.. you could always ride with steelhorsestunters.
  3. :lol: that was funny..stupid but kool to see. ive only checked my phone at a stop light, but dont reply till pulled over.
  4. DAMN!! his body looks good.. too bad its carrot top! haha
  5. bone or ligament damage or cellulitis
  6. nice to meet you paul! now we need everyone else pics
  7. ninjachk08


    lol yea they did! good ride today..man im so sore!! haha
  8. ninjachk08


    funny!! yea, it was the make-up..for noone to impress!!!
  9. ninjachk08


    ....hush.. i had no gas to get there and back, or eat on...so i would have starved all night.
  10. ninjachk08


    haha.. jon! dont hate me..im sorry.
  11. ninjachk08


    ....if you speed! dang fonzie, why you always gotta get on me too! im bein bullied by you boys!
  12. ninjachk08


    haha.. thats a long as ride to ride down to either cincy or cbus..then from there ride to nky or hocking.. i was sore the next day after cbus. yes, it'd be fun.. esp. since there will be more than just me and someone else..
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