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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. thats messed up! i hope you hear something soon from the new job
  2. ninjachk08


    hey! good to see you joined.
  3. ninjachk08


    WTF?? i tho you told me the trailer is only 1 bike?? i already called dibs dude!
  4. i think thats an awesome idea. i know a car forum that did that.. it makes it alot easier. just put a card on their windshield, leave your name and s/n if you want and hope they register. if you do make them, you better make a bunch, cuz ill want a handful to pass out when i see bikes in my area.! btw..thanks for putting this site together! its a great group of people and i found a new family! everyone is very helpful and i love all the extra activities that get planned.
  5. ninjachk08


    yea thats what you would like!!
  6. lol mine hasnt been cleaned since dustin did it
  7. ninjachk08


    yea dont worry.. im always in the back of the group holdin them up and they wait for me!!
  8. is anyone gonna meet somewhere?? i should be coming down tonight!
  9. ninjachk08


    yessss....thats what i said.. calm down!
  10. ninjachk08


    hey nick, they are doin a hocking ride on the 19th.. but if its raining in cincy this weekend, then ill be up to head to cbus.
  11. i might.. gotta see what us girls are doin that night
  12. HAHA... NOT FUNNY! i literally screamed out loud
  13. OMG!! is that assfault boys, or just a video they was talkin about?? thats stupid!! i was freakin out constantly switchin lanes doin 80 with cbus.lol.
  14. i just sent pm's to everyone that i know in the dayton area.. so sorry if some of you get it again!! lol ill be there!! YAY.. i get to see nick!
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