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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. How are you liking the Fury?

  2. My friends and I ran into him multiple times last year down in the Oregon District. I took pictures of his bike, still with 30 day tags, because he parked in between us.
  3. No, just the first day. That is, if I decide to go.
  4. Is there a slow/cruiser group? I only know two names on the list that ride a cruiser.
  5. Thanks! I got it done with no problems.
  6. I just joined my boyfriend, crizzpyguy who has a VStar 1100 Classic. I traded in my zx6r for a VStar 650 Custom last weekend. SLO is the way I have to GO for the next few years. Got a pretty little ticket last summer, and I'll be fired from my job if I get in any trouble. So this was the way to go for me. I am exited to ride it and go on long rides and be comfortable. It'll be nice not being so worried about doing something wrong lol
  7. lol... maybe, maybe not.
  8. found it. haven't been paying much attention to rides yet. lol
  9. the pink is just rim tape. easily took off what's in may??
  10. Thanks. I think you're in need of a new track bike right?? ;) What's lbts mean?
  11. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/3640218099.html Please keep the talk about the sale. I'm willing to drop the price for OR members.
  12. I'm glad you're back Jon!! Sorry to hear 2012 was so rough. Hope to see you around!
  13. I'm interested for the reschedule info.
  14. aww, thanks hun! I feel the love. but... i do NOT tap out!
  15. That would be awesome! Keep me informed. I'm free both Sundays.
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