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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. looks just as tall as queen.. and they look alike too!
  2. matt, havent gone yet. its today at 1. im gettin ready to leave here in a bit, cuz its an hour away and i dont know where im goin.
  3. ahh!! damnit.. i had a chance to go to the game today too! ..damn court, damn work!
  4. lol hopefully. yea, nick told me to say i was going the limit and misjudged a blind turn. haha. he said he didnt go, his lawyer went, and i guess he's gotta go back at some point.
  5. nice work jarvis! do this on work time? hehe
  6. what?? um, no.lol. wish me luck guys.. i go to court tomorrow ..same judge nick dealt with. i dont think he'll be to happy to see another biker in there.
  7. love the background road! lol how bout some kind of group pic being on it..might look cool having a bunch of bikes on there
  8. im doin good.. they are healing very nice. married life is no different.haha. we've already been livin together for about a year and half. thanks for asking!

  9. jerm, how can you get a gun? ..what is the laws on guns, 18 or 21?
  10. get that one!! ...or there's always lizard's( if its not sold)..lol yah! rock a 1098!
  11. im sorry! just gotta pick on ya. its kool, i know how ya feel.
  12. why is flounder saying a one piece is better?? ive never heard one is better?
  13. ^ lol cute! j.k idk E was old enough to buy.lol. sorry e! the vandalia shop seems nice my cuz bought his glock there and idk much bout buying guns, but ive been to the shop(for the range) down the street from comp. idk the name.
  14. damn thats crazy looking at a bike all apart.. good luck!
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