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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. good to hear your home and making progress!
  2. ninjachk08


    .. but expensive! from what nick told me. if you do a full exhaust at least
  3. woot woot!! thats where im goin next!
  4. yea, true.. but unless they pay cash, they're gonna have a hard time gettin a loan. ..thats another reason why i dont mod alot.. cuz your not gonna get your money back out of it. ..larry, how many vehicles and bikes do you and your wife have? haha
  5. lol wow, finance manager? haha i tho you was a service fixer guy.

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  6. ninjachk08


    love the color!! glad everything went through ok
  7. haha.. what are you selling? the focus?! cute dog.. i want one!
  8. interested in what? the beagle? ill take him!
  9. wow.. and i tho i was having a bad morning! that sucks
  10. haha.. yah! you're a big boy now!
  11. you must be chris! haha.. my adjuster was fred too. he told me he just looked at another bike with a OR sticker in cbus.
  12. ^ lol i would be that dickface.. except im doing 10+ over and he's still on my ass! like im not even speeding as is. but thats only when im in the car. i get over and try not to tailgate when im on the bike.
  13. that is bad ass!! i would have loved to see those tires too.haha
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