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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. hell, if the bike is paid off, that would be awesome to keep it.. but it would be kinda daring to have a loan on a track bike.lol. hell, it is for even a street bike :/

    thats awesome your sis is gonna get one!

  2. i like the ohio flag in the background, thats nice i like the flyer idea.. but i really like the "business cards" i have. they was very easy to carry in my pocket and hand out when we went to bike nights. vendor discounts?.. do we really get discounts anywhere?
  3. damn e! you a balla! haha wish i had money for a track bike and street bike.

  4. wow.. you all own alot of guns. one is enough i think.haha even that is scary
  5. i dont like the new ninja's. and the 08 cbr's was just an overall great bike.. other than the seat.lol. i like the looks and idk if its that big of a diff, but i like the electronic steering damper. reviews are always good on the bike for street and track.
  6. OMG!! ew.. ..i really need to get boots
  7. remind me, next time i see ya ill buy ya a beer.. it'll be your belated present.haha

  8. im doin good matt, thanks! pretty much able to bend normal.. just cant get all the way down. cant touch my calf to my quad. but yea, its good. the wounds are healing good.. they're always itching! but you can def tell a big improvement on them, but still a lil bit more time to go..still open a bit.
  9. yea i watched them both..and DVR'd.haha. i loved the sparks of insanity(as always) and the christmas special had its funny moments
  10. happy belated birthday mike!
  11. ... im personally going with a CBR next year for my new bike..and im not biased
  12. i love to play.. even tho its not that often
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