Like I said, I don't see it actually happeneing. I guess I should have said it won't happen for political or legislative reasons. Corporate lobbyists would never agree to something like that and I don't see congress even suggesting something like this. I suppose that the greed that is intrinsically built into the profit motive of running a business is what causes the low wage problem. If you cut corporate taxes without some type of requirement that part of the money be used to raise wages, then wages will remain flat and those savings will be distributed to those at the top, not the everyday worker. I don't really know what the solution is, but I know that it isn't regulating and taxing the shit out of businesses and forcing them to outsource to survive and it isn't taxing the rich more and then redistributing their wealth to those with less. The ideas coming out of Washington from both sides are flawed and unsustainable. We need wide ranging changes that are not being suggested by either side. Ugh.