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Everything posted by CleaveTheGreat

  1. I went to work for 9 hours and this thread is still on the first page? Awesome:D
  2. Well I'm glad you see how this works - I always win
  3. Lol what? My cousin was going to school in Germany and EVERYONE carries their school id and people do get ID'd - I saw it happen. Same thing in Dublin. And I didn't know we were having a discussion about how and where beer is made. I did have a Guiness in Dublin about a week ago and it is much better than any Guiness I've ever had here. But that wasn't the point of my post. Go drink some more beers at your grandparents' pub and make some more mustangs cry big man
  4. That's funny I just got back from Europe and the drinking age isn't 11. But anyway. German beer > American beer
  5. You're just out of high school, I wouldn't talk about immature drinkers son. And I will find you 100 people that have been drinking for longer than you have been alive that will tell you that Yuengling is their favorite beer.
  6. I turn 25 in 4 days. Been riding on the street since 08. Rode dirtbikes and quads since I was 6 or 7.
  7. Won't be able to make it tomorrow but I rode a few of those roads Thursday and earlier today. 212 is clear and no longer flooded, as is 39. Have a good time and be safe.
  8. MJ, how close are you to Easton? And yeah I was pretty drunk when I was at Ben and Carrie's but I vaguely remember the location.
  9. Nice. Keep me updated whether or not Jon moves in
  10. Don't be mad cuz you're a heavy sleeper. I warned you. I'll check that out. And Gen3, idk how the gf would feel about me staying with another girl, I'd have to run that one by her.
  11. Thanks assholes. I'll be working at Citi on Stelzer Rd.
  12. So 5 months after I graduated I finally found myself a real job. But I have to move to Columbus and I start work on May 9th. The problem I have now is that my roommate and my girlfriend aren't able to move down until early June. So what I'm wondering is if anyone on here has an extra room they'd like to rent out for a month or so or if anyone knows of a hotel that has a decent weekly rate and isn't in the middle of the hood. I'm a pretty quiet person and all I really need is a bed, a shower and a fridge. If I don't know you, there's quite a few people on here that can vouch that I'm not a serial killer or a thief. So if anyone has any info for me, post up or send me a pm. Thanks, Cleave
  13. I am alive and I believe I still have all of my internal organs. But it still feels like someone is stabbing me in the head
  14. Was wondering the same thing. Read an article about it in Motorcyclist last month, it was pretty interesting.
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