Yes I'm going but I'll be trucking down to junction City Friday night. (Right off 668 were the GF parents live.) Then riding to Logan Saturday for the ride.
The above is all Ive found also. Almost Impossible to do. though a few lucky people have gotten them to go through. I even got the VIN cleared as not stolen and I still couldn't get them to do it. which makes no sense because they would receive more money from me if I could.
I did the same with my Daytona. Factory screen out the wind right in my visor. New one outs it in my chest. I actually like it because it helps keep weight off my wrists.
Just put a different pulley on it if its not what you want.. Similar boost levels should give similar numbers. Especially since you aren't doing major engine upgrades at the same time. (pistons cams heads)
Read a story about this and how there is a theory that the pilot turned off the coms then tucked in close to another plane and hid in the shadow till it was out of major airspace. seems like a good theory to me. ill see if I can find the link again. EDIT to add link
Did your father have life insurance? Doesn't sound like it. But hopefully he did to ease some of the financial tension. And let you focus on the future of your family and company. Best of luck.
Im tentatively in thats the 2 weeks after my GF graduates so She wants to head home for a weekend since we rarely get too with our schedules. I told her that would be a good weekend. Id be trucking down and then riding down to Logan from Junction City the day of.
I think Id start will auto cross. little less dangerous till he gets the hang of the car. Id have a hard time taking a New corvette or any $60000 vehicle to a track day. Its much easier on a $3500 motorcycle to now worry about crashing.
I looked at diamonds after the first of the year. They showed me a diamond and I could see with my naked eye that it had a carbon spot. Huge. I got up and left and went to Jareds. much better selection than the mall stores but apparently most of them are owned by the same head company including Jareds. O well as long as your happy with the purchase and feel you got a good deal then who cares. diamonds arent as difficult as people make them out to be. I bought a book at B&N and spent about an hour reading up on them. I feel I know more about diamonds than 99% of men looking at rings.
I have alot of friends with the S3 S4. All good reviews. The note and HTC one are lots bigger depends what you want there. Ive had an IP4 for 2.5 years and its been trouble free. My dads Razr has crapped out on him twice and he still gives me crap about my IP4. Theres always a chance a phone will do something stupid. IPhones tend to break more often.