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Everything posted by cattmouch33

  1. probably in November insurance will come off, but you never know how Ohio weather is gonna act. Might be 60 again in december.
  2. hell yes, post count +1 gotta live for something
  3. well thank you for that......if only I had a big enough shower. Hell I know Jordan and I could use one . I like to get some decent twisties in but with it only being 51 max today I don't know how good of an idea that'll be. So longer straits to test out your bike brad. on a side note what time tomorrow, I have a private lesson that I have to do and I wanna make it earlier enough to still get to tipp on time.
  4. At work we have a poweredge 2650 if you are possibly interested in hosting locally. You would need to get bigger harddrives as it only has 5 16gb drives in it now. PM me if you would like to know more about it. It is a rack mount server though. Thank you for getting the site back up.
  5. going off road is just nature's way of saying you still have much to learn. And God's way of humoring your friends.
  6. sunny here too but not all that warm
  7. stalking can be fun sometimes....wait oops
  8. thanks for the love jarvis so I see you noted the smallest person comments in the meet and greet. I still think you have them beat
  9. Looks like he'll just have to do it again
  10. NC and back to ohio in one night .......sounds fun let's do it
  11. So did the system crash because of all the hits, what server are you running, and what do you use for backing up your data. We just lost a server at work and had to have it back up and running that day. I feel your pain.
  12. I'm in for tomorrow any ideas for tomorrow dustin
  13. Of course you can ride with a broke hand, You gotta huffy right or maybe a 10 speed. So it sounds like sonic it might be. Who all is in for thursday the 14th
  14. Actually I was born here I don't know about you but I didn't immigrate to the U.S. Yes Our great grandparents might have been but once you are born in the country you are a citizen not an immigrant.
  15. Somewhere around miamisburg or springboro. Jarvis know of any good places to hang out/eat. And obviously there are some good roads over there.
  16. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=39.557001,-84.233208&daddr=Unknown+road+%4039.961283,+-84.188929&hl=en&geocode=2083597163677084099,39.961283,-84.188929&mra=mi&mrsp=0,1&sz=12&sll=39.627771,-84.20557&sspn=0.188538,0.30899&ie=UTF8&z=12 I'm very happy to be off work in 16 min
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