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Posts posted by magley64

  1. Big surprise, magdor missed an obvious point. Most likely because he doesn't understand economics.

    Duane. Try and stay with me here.

    If people don't buy puppies, there's no incentive for puppy mills to breed them.

    If there's no incentive, the puppy mills disappear.

    Read that over and over until it penetrates your thick skull, then go get punched in the nuts.

    So you don't think they'll just let the dogs fuck until someone does want to pay for a puppy?

    If we were talking about a regular commodity that cost money in materials to produce, and didn't have a shelf life, sure, why generate more inventory, but puppies are only puppies for a limited time, and the raw materials to make a puppy aren't exactly in limited supply.

  2. Ok, so the breeder has a bunch of inventory that is not selling. Do you think he will:

    a) Breed the same number of puppies, then find out where you live and punch you in the balls.

    b) Breed a shitload more than usual, then find out where you live and punch you in the balls.

    c) Breed fewer puppies, then find out where you live and punch you in the balls.

    Pick one, and at this point I really don't care which.

    A, keep fresh inventory in case there is a rush.

  3. Idk... Depends on the breeder but I would suspect that there aren't many unpurchased animals.

    So if those 5 people who bought puppies instead got them from the apl, those 5 unsold puppies wouldn't end up in the apl in their place?

    If it's a zero sum game that litter has to go somewhere, maybe people who buy from breeders are saving puppies BEFORE they get to the shelter.

  4. So you are saying then that she acted completely appropriately and had nothing to do with the start of that "fight"? I don't get what is so hard about following the officers commands? If she had then none of this would have ever happened...I am not saying the officer is a saint but as previously said "if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes"

    Bottom line, follow the officers commands...If you feel that it was inappropriate then follow up with his commander or your state representative after the incident. Don't start a fight that you are inevitably going to lose!

    Could you please explain the difference between a request and a command?

  5. It's called fishing. You know how many big arrests take place from bullshit traffic stops? I'm not saying if the cop was right or wrong to escalate the situation, but saying cops need fired for doing their job and enforcing traffic laws just doesn't make sense to me.

    If you're fishing, fish, it's bullshit but whatever. Once you've dropped your line in the water and get nothing, you try again, you don't eat the worm.

    Once he realized she was clean, he should have cut her loose, not started a fight with her.

  6. I am so sick and tired of all the throwing around of calling many a racist and bigot, just as much ignorance is shown by saying such. Statements are nothing compared to actions, and we are all guilty of a racist or bigot statement at some point in time. Does not make you a racist, does not make you a bigot, and does not make you a person of hate and or violence against others. But here is the problem in the US and all throughout the world when it comes to "radial Islam", they are the only ones who are doing to others, what people of other extremest beliefs are not doing to others. So it is perfectly fine to call something what it very much is, and radial Islam is growing and is not going away unless the fight is taken to them viciously. Yes there will be collateral damage in order to kill the enemy, look no further than what happened during WWII.

    I prefer bias ply Islam, radial Islam is too soft in the corners.

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