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Posts posted by magley64

  1. Have you guys seen the numbers of these fucking people we've let immigrate here over the last 15 years? It's incredible, hundreds of thousands of Muhammadans are here under refugee and student visa programs. Meanwhile my white 2 year old is taking off her shoes and getting wanded at airport security.

    Islam should be treated as a terrorist organization, full stop, and people from those goat-fucking countries can lose their USA visitation privileges. What is the upside to letting them in when we have millions of decent Asians and Europeans waiting in the immigration queue?

    Careful, your ignorant racism is showing.

  2. First off glad your ok - bikes are replacable unless its very sentimental - I recently left a stop light and had an older lady cut in between stopped traffic from her driveway, her driveway was about 300yds from light and had to use all of my skill to not run down the passenger side of her car. I have been endorsed since 1994? and average 10k-15k/year.

    If your starting that "list" here are a few good starters; (1)Always ride in daylight with highbeams on unless your a few car lengths behind someone(was told this at a safety class I took to reduce my bike insurance); (2)Always slow down at intersections when there is vehicles stopped or approaching the stop sign/signal; (3)Flash high/low a few times when cars are preparing to turn or go across your path; (4)Look way ahead in direction of travel, if your looking left/right at scenery you have shortened reaction time substantially. Lastly - FOCUS...FOCUS...FOCUS - always be on the defense

    hop my 2¢ helps someone

    I dunno if flashing your high beams at cars planning to turn in front of you is a good idea. They might take that as a signal to go ahead.

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  3. I concur with motocat, this rig isn't quite stable, for 1, when he was "tightening" the top bar, he was actually loosening one end. And relying on friction to keep those feet parallel strikes me as a bad idea, get 1 more bar the same length as the center bar, exchange the end caps for elbows, and you're damn sure your feet stay parallel.

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