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Everything posted by magley64

  1. unless Mitt Romney is right then OBAMA is behind the government leaks... covering up, and then leaking his own information, it's the perfect plan http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/24/mitt-romney-vfw_n_1699079.html
  2. Penny Pinchers: latest CBO release estimates that Obamacare REDUCES deficit, and that the deficit would be increased substantially by repealing it... http://www.examiner.com/article/cbo-confirms-killing-obamacare-will-blow-up-the-deficit-by-109-billion oh snap
  3. I wonder if this is why Mitt Romney won't release his tax returns... Maybe he got "laid off" *wink wink* from Bain Capital?
  4. I'd say find a more comfy street machine.. but that's just me...
  5. this report says "body armor" specifically http://news.yahoo.com/report-colorado-shooting-suspect-sent-plans-notebook-psychiatrist-170815999.html
  6. no... do you mean like Mitt Romney hires cardinals as body guards?
  7. For the umpteenth time, I am not advocating for that.I am advocating for guns (and religions) to be abandoned as an act of the people's own volition, not as an act of the law. I want the people to free themselves from this prison of fear, this rediculous notion that you have to be prepared to kill someone at every second of the day. That idea that someone is out to get you, you better get them first...
  8. I've only kept ties with first merit because they hold my auto loan. I've considered refi with my current bank, but it wouldn't make good financial sense. i did switch over the rest of my accounts though, i'm not shy.
  9. Knives have a number of constructive purposes.. bows and arrows at least take some skill and exertion to deploy...but you could make an argument against them I guess.
  10. I'm not a chicken rights activist, or a chickenatarian, or even a secular chickenist... do what you want with the chickens..
  11. maybe some day we can try it my way... your way seems to be working so well
  12. I'm definitely an often disappointed optimist, but I believe most of us are...
  13. no, a worldwide rejection of the purpose of a gun... Cars kill a lot of people, but they weren't designed with the explicit purpose of killing people. They were designed to carry people from place to place... in their development, they have become more efficient at doing that, carrying people from place to place faster, and more comfortably, using less fuel... Guns on the other hand, in their development have become more efficient at killing people, firing more bullets faster and more accurately... You can't get past the design intent...
  14. again, I don't hate guns, I just think that they are unnecessary in a civilized world. If you're at war, fine...Hunting? seems like cheating, but whatever (generations of people hunted before guns were invented)... but just to carry around on your person day to day? how paranoid are you?
  15. why are guns produced by the millions worldwide? because there is a GIANT market for them, and they are legal...(high demand) if there were a very narrow market, and a very high penalty for producing them, it probably wouldn't be worth the risk... Why are they cheap? because there are millions of them worldwide being produced (high supply) if they were expensive, rare, and illegal, they would be much harder to acquire...
  16. No, again... that's why I'm not proposing that we ban them as an act of policy... What I'm saying is that the country would be a better place without guns. The pro-gun culture fuels and protects the use of guns for crimes. If we decided as a country that it was a priority, then we could get it done... Why do you keep complicating this? What I'm proposing is a change in the culture and change in the attitude, not a sweeping change in policy, an order handed down from the government... I'm suggesting we evolve...and how much better things could be if we did.
  17. How do we make guns as hard to acquire as tanks? how do we make guns as hard to acquire as nukes? "you can't" is a defeatist attitude. Maybe this country isn't ready for that, so be it, but if the country were ready for it, we could do it.
  18. don't open the door with a gun in your hand...
  19. How are you going to protect yourself if someone shoots you in the back from 30 ft? Its the same availability of guns to the general public that puts guns in the hands of people who would do harm to you. Most people don't have the tools or ability to make a reliable gun, or reliable, functioning bullets for that matter. (I realize there are several people who do reloads, but assembling is not the same as manufacturing) I realize that many of you disagree, and that's fine. I find myself of 2 minds on the subject. Perhaps we should dedicate ourselves to developing technology that would render guns virtually useless (thinner, more effective body armor for example)
  20. and if we keep throwing enough guns and bibles out there, conservatives will feel safe.
  21. I understand, but it's a double edged sword... cause now some little punk dipshit with a inferiority complex has the power to kill whoever bruises his ego.
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