NO! it doesn't.... excellent, you seem to be catching on... dynamite is used to "blow shit up", it was designed for mining, excellent I could buy a tank because i enjoy driving over sand dunes with it... doesn't change what a tank was designed for... personal defense how? does it make an inpenetrable force field around your loved ones? no? oh, intimidation and injury.. got it.. maybe take some of your own advice, the end result here isn't to convince you not to own guns or continue to play with them, but just a little revelation as to what a gun really is, why it exists in the first place... If you need a gun to bond with your daughter, I fear there is something seriously wrong with your family dynamic. You could bond with your daughter other ways, read together, play ladder ball... it's not the only tool for the job, even if it excites you the most. Could you scare birds other ways? sure you could... it's not fear... if you could see in my head... it's understanding.. tits are for nourishing infants, guns are for injuring and intimidating... we can use them both as toys, but it doesn't change their original purpose. again, if you could see into my head.. I don't believe evil even exists, it's an invented and extremely subjective term...