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Everything posted by magley64

  1. good for you, good luck finding your problem... battery?
  2. I'd listen to rawlins, he seems to know his shit.
  3. Be honest about why you carry a gun, you're afraid you aren't man enough on your own...
  4. If this were a street fight, be honest, you'd have bitched out already and pulled a gun:D
  5. You keep deferring the blame, on "ifidels" in israel and on "boyz in the hood" here Keep telling yourself that israel is peaceful...
  6. magley64

    Mj usa

    Idk man, if people were shit talking my friend, i'd sure want to find out if there were any merit to it...and defend them if the situation called for it... No skin off my nose, like I said, I have no dog in this fight.
  7. magley64

    New Q2s $200

    would jump on these but promised myself never to run dunflops again since the "qualifier" clusterbang glws!
  8. aahhh for fucks sake... paintball guns are for painting, nail guns are for putting up barns, and squirt guns are for shooting women in white t-shirts... Guns that fire bullets are for intimidating, injuring and in extreme cases causing death from those injuries. can you shoot a hose with it and say "now it's for watering the damn lawn" sure, but it doesn't effect design intent... goodnight
  9. *facepalm* re-read.. then come back done? I'm fully confident he can bond with his daughter, reardless of the presence of guns... goodnight.
  10. it's been a pleasure debating the merits and history of firearms with you fellas, I'm off to bed. enjoy!
  11. I haven't judged him for it, in fact it doesn't bother me at all.... The only point I was making was simply that there are other tools for that purpose. Tools that don't include deadly weapons...
  12. again, I'm not proposing we outlaw anything... but yes, bow and arrow were designed for the same purpose, to injure and intimidate... how many eople do you see going on shooting rampages with bows and arrows? could it be that we just don't live in a culture where the bow is worshipped like the gun is? or is it because the gun has the same design intent, and is more efficient? rocks have WAY more uses than killing people, for instance they can be used to build houses...
  13. NO! it doesn't.... excellent, you seem to be catching on... dynamite is used to "blow shit up", it was designed for mining, excellent I could buy a tank because i enjoy driving over sand dunes with it... doesn't change what a tank was designed for... personal defense how? does it make an inpenetrable force field around your loved ones? no? oh, intimidation and injury.. got it.. maybe take some of your own advice, the end result here isn't to convince you not to own guns or continue to play with them, but just a little revelation as to what a gun really is, why it exists in the first place... If you need a gun to bond with your daughter, I fear there is something seriously wrong with your family dynamic. You could bond with your daughter other ways, read together, play ladder ball... it's not the only tool for the job, even if it excites you the most. Could you scare birds other ways? sure you could... it's not fear... if you could see in my head... it's understanding.. tits are for nourishing infants, guns are for injuring and intimidating... we can use them both as toys, but it doesn't change their original purpose. again, if you could see into my head.. I don't believe evil even exists, it's an invented and extremely subjective term...
  14. so a 4 yr old who shoots his brother with a gun he found should get a minimum sentence, say 50 years?
  15. I've only got one question... does a gun have any "real world" use that doesn't include "intimidation, injury, or "practice" for intimidation or injury... you claim that it is only an instrument of death because some people chose to use it that way... so convince me... Do you use it to drill holes in aluminum siding? Do you use it to prop doors open? Do you use it as a paper weight? Is it a tool for snaking out your drains? do you use it to drain the pool? what do you use it for other than to intimidate and injure? "Target practice" is an obvious dodge of the question because that is just the act of making the user more efficient, you could target practice with a paintball gun or a slingshot, you don't need a gun for target practice.
  16. he won't, it doesn't fit his narrative... fox news dictates his life. it puts holes in shit from far away...whatever you can't technically know what the original designer needed to put holes in, maybe he was an interior decorator and wantedd an easy way to make skylights... I'm not in charge of shit, so it really doesn't matter what my opinion is... I'm done...
  17. don't have any retort? oh that's right, you don't have an answer for that other than that is a BAD FUCKING IDEA because guns are dangerous but that doesn't fit your narrative... "guns are safe, they only protect people who need protected, and it's only bad people that kill with guns (and besides they would've killed you anyways)"
  18. yeah, keep blaming islam, which is also "peaceful" It is what it is, you think the middle east is peaceful, you think guns preserve life, and you believe that a fairy in the sky causes natural disasters as punishment for gays... obviously it's MY pov that is skewed...
  19. Nope, you're right guns are as safe as teddy bears, they were designed to make everyone feel all warm and fuzzy, clearly their design intent has been skewed by these evil godless people. You've convinced me, I'm giving an assortment of guns to my nieces for christmas this year. They are 3 and 6, so now they can protect themselves from those bullies at school.
  20. Yeah, israel.. you tell me how peaceful the middle east is...lol Yep I'm wrong whatever you gotta tell yourself to justify your gun worship...
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