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Everything posted by magley64

  1. maybe the trans/clutch is starting to grenade which threw garbage into the engine, and now you just have some debris noise up in the engine?
  2. squirt bottle with soapy water...
  3. Plug/patch...? I'd take a newer patched angel over a ragged used tire any day
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/trayvon-martin-parents-reject-george-zimmerman-apology-130326614.html so he's sorry, but he doesn't regret it and it's all god's fault... yeah that's not contradictory at all... sounds like something a sane and well adjusted human being would say.
  5. welcome newb, I know a couple of sheep enthusiasts up in that corner of the state...
  6. I just bring my own along...lol groomsman for my little sister's wedding... I'm not 100% convinced it's a worthwhile endeavor, but society as it is, might be better off (or at least feel less awkward) getting married than just being "together" indefinitely...
  7. not married, just got back into "office" jobs rather than doing physical labor... Now I'm working a lot of extra hours, travelling for business, etc... so when I get time off I'd rather ride my motorcycle than my bicycle, otherwise I'd be in a bit better shape.
  8. At that time I was working my ass off, and going to school full time, so that was breakfast lunch and dinner, I barely had time to sleep... I never really got over 170, though i put on about 10 pounds of belly fat over the last couple years...
  9. I didn't say they created them, I said they "cultivated" you can't make an orange (so far as i know), but you can cultivate an orange really easily... As for the "racist" and "bigoted" bit, I'm pretty comfortable hanging my hat on those generalizations... are ALL the tea partiers racist bigots? absolutely not... but is there a stronger element on average of racism and bigotry than in the general public? I'd bet so... msnbc is no longer a thing... that partnership got dissolved, guess you'll have to go after nbc themselves or maybe cnbc, or cnn... I give faux nuz the credit they are due, they've been quite successful in building a 24 hour republican political ad... I don't need a shrink, I have a motorcycle...
  10. I actually really like a whopper w/cheese from time to time... I prefer a burger off the grill at home, but for convenience, a whopper will do in a hurry. back when I was working at premix I would usually stop a burger king before work and buy 2 whoppers w/cheese, and 1 double whopper w/cheese, had the singles on breaks, and the double for lunch.
  11. http://shine.yahoo.com/shine-food/burger-king-employee-stands-lettuce-busted-internet-163700384.html
  12. don't have any of those, need a place to live come October...
  13. i have the coin, and am interested, but i can't justify it without buying a house first.... (which means i won't have the coin) GLWS!
  14. looks like you'll probably not be taxed on your rebate... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/-1-billion-in-health-insurance-rebates--taxable-or-tax-free-.html
  15. cvnp is fun, and I think one of the ravenna guys was telling me if you get down to RT 9, its supposed to be awesome...
  16. ohhh, you're a hannity nut swinger... got it "anointed one" youuuu LOL
  17. yes, this is where i stole the idea from... sorta
  18. the "tea party" is actually a pseudo grass roots organization (if you can call it that) that was made up and cultivated by fox news... I don't hate the tea party, I just think they are mildly bigoted, and majorly misguided... I even agree with some of their premises, but as a "movement" on the whole, mostly a whole lot of hot air with a tinge of racism. Our federal government should be limited further, but so should the churches, the corporations, and the lobbyists...
  19. so birthers... what would it take? is there any evidence that is acceptable? do we need to get the Delorean out so you can go back in time and watch him crown?
  20. close enough conservative forum, chock full of birthers, and tea partiers...
  21. I'll prove Obama is not a Marxist when you prove there is no teapot orbiting jupiter...
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