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Everything posted by magley64

  1. or "papers please?" we don't need no illegal aliens in these parts taking our jobs...
  2. i see a great marketing opportunity, Ford Escape: first SUV on mars...
  3. I wonder who drew first... did he open the door pointing a gun, or did they knock pointing their guns? Any time i hear a story like this i wonder if it really happened as it was reported...
  4. Wow, weird... how many of you gun totin' members pull your guns when a stranger knocks on the door? http://news.yahoo.com/video/deputies-shoot-kill-man-knocking-163819466.html
  5. looks like about 10% are active daily, maybe closer to 20% weekly?
  6. if i need a special license to ride a motorcycle??? anyone who takes their driving test in a kia sephia can just hop in what is essentially a semi truck and cruise?
  7. I hate those, only because of personal experience with their drivers. I think something that big should require additional testing/licensing...
  8. I think we're starting to hit critical mass, only so many people who ride motorcycles in the state, and are computer savvy enough to participate... I think once we hit about 10k, it'll really trail off
  9. at least the title is correct... while I don't like it, there is clearly MORE caveat to the policy than this blurb captures... IE you never NEED what that pack of gum provides... there aren't stores being forced to hand out gum to those who cannot buy it. if we eliminate the mandate for health coverage, we should also eliminate the mandate for hospitals to treat those who can not pay... ... if you can't pay, we turn you away... have you got a rash? bring us cash... stabbed by your lover? We take discover... your mom has cancer? Visa's the answer... Who cares how many innocent children die, as long as we keep our books in the black, right?
  10. I honestly thought I was spelling it correctly.... and wondered why the red lines kept yelling at me, Oh well... We shall see what happens to the HSA, for the time being I'm sticking with the plan... if my hand is forced, so be it, I'm just wasting as little of my money as possible on this whole insurance deal, while still being reasonably well covered in case of catastrophe.
  11. cool, love the stories where people get great service from shops rather than the ones where they get screwed
  12. I have a $2500 deductible IIRC... it's required in conjunction with my HSA... it means if I have a horrific accident, or get a crippling disease I won't be buried entirely in debt... which means I pay about $30 a month in "insurance", and the rest of the money I keep in an interest bearing account until such time as I choose (or need) to spend it on something health care related. i like it, and I'll probably get my eyes lazered when i have enough money in the account....
  13. was he having fun? did he injure you or pick your pocket? let 'em roll.
  14. I'll agree there, political meddling isn't my favorite thing... Generally when someone utters the phrase "there ought to be a law" my response is "you ought to be shot"
  15. How else do you describe capitolism other than seeking the greatest reward from your investment (be it money or time)? greed seems like the simplest adjective for this endeavor... not attacking you either, just explaining my reasoning...
  16. I can't say much about the unemployment bit, I used it for a while between jobs, economy sucked and I couldn't find anything near me that paid equal or better than what I was getting from unemployment... Finally I took a temp job that paid slightly less, just to get back to work, the hole in my work history was getting too big for my comfort. But you do realize you're not paying ANY taxes because your entire paycheck is subsidized by the government... you're one of the people Bill O'reilly and Michelle Bachman are bitching about... just something to think about while on your republican talking point tirade..
  17. greed is the driving force in capitolism... cost is the baseline, and the letter specifically stated "THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM YOU THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE A REBATE OF A PORTION OF YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS. THIS REBATE IS REQUIRED BY THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT - THE HEALTH REFORM LAW. THE AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE ACT REQUIRES (INSURANCE CO NAME) TO ISSUE A REBATE TO YOU IF IT DOES NOT SPEND AT LEAST 80% OF THE PREMIUMS IT RECEIVES ON HEALTH CARE SERVICES LIKE DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS" in other words, if we're lining our pockets with your money far and above what our actual costs are, we have to give you a rebate...
  18. The "LAW" is requiring them to give you the rebate, corporate "GREED" is causing them to jack your rates.
  19. magley64

    Magzfest '12

    beautiful mental image, but no, separate events throughout the afternoon and night... there were 4 medium model rocket sized explosive devices, and a few cases of pint sized solid rockets with explosives attached...many tiny explosives, those who attempted to go to sleep early were likely unable to achieve rem thanks to all the noise. a go-cart, a 4 wheeler, a XL600R, and a dune buggy were the motor vehicles circling and zig-zagging the property while half-lit partygoers giggled in fits of pure joy...
  20. magley64

    Magzfest '12

    The photographers were too hammered, and too busy lighting fireworks and chasing each other around on motor vehicles to take the time to snap pictures... sorry
  21. magley64

    Magzfest '12

    you could've done riding all night all the way up here, then had some fun with some idiots...
  22. so did you ever make it to your break out ride?

  23. so they raised your rates, and the law required them to rebate some of the rates they jacked, so you are pissed? color me confused, so if it gets repealed, you expect them to drop your rates back to where they were or just stop giving you a rebate and pocket it as more profit?
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