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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I'm at circle k around the corner, be there in a few mins
  2. looking more and more likely, as usual, if I'm late, don't wait cause i probably overslept...
  3. i like my droid 4, also I have a negative connotation to any phone named the RAZR, since the first one was such a piece of garbage.
  4. another world record for the buckeye state I found his baby picture
  5. uh oh, I actually agree with something brandon has posted.... (other than the "hero" bit) He seems talented, but if he's such a good rider, why do shit like this? I have way more respect for Brandon actually going out and testing his skills, competing against other riders in a controlled environment.
  6. I am definitely an advocate of stopping if you are being pulled over... However, I'm also a pretty firm believer that motorcycles, even when ridden at high speeds rarely cause anyone else serious injury or death. I think the figures and the physics support that. in the video mentioned the police and another motorist crashed, how is that the MC operator's fault if they can't drive? He didn't cause the crash, he didn't even force anyone to chase him, he just happened to be riding at a high rate of speed. Now I know there are exceptions, and the rare case where a motorcycle hit a car "just right" to cause injury to those in the car, but those cases are so rare, that hummers and semis pose a MUCH larger threat to motorists.
  7. that is somewhat reasonable...
  8. clicked it, got a fake "virus warning" after seeing a glimpse of the scooter. looks like a motard scooter, kinda
  9. I get 7-8 k out of a rear, double that for a front, sometimes I will spin the tire when launching on less than perfectly dry pavement, or when it's a little cold out, and sometimes my front wheel pops off the pavement from rocking the throttle so hard from a start, also I have heard my rear wheel screech a second after I kick the shifter 3 times and dump clutch to pass someone.
  10. shinkos, very polarizing tires, people either love them or hate them, very little in between. glad they work out for you.
  11. yes, and click all the links and memorize all the stories!
  12. repost? http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=93155
  13. yeah, if he's wearing a helmet, a bullet might graze off, the cops just need to hit him with a RPG, that bike will outrun a cruiser, but probably not a rocket.
  14. mythbusters went over it... front wheel slides, you need to load the tire with the brake before stopping to get the cool endo flip. or just pack some C4 under it and detonate.
  15. that doesn't work... the front wheel just slides decelerating that quickly, no cool handlebar flip. i still think a couple bullets to the head would fix it...and he couldn't go back and file suit.
  16. now if someone has you pinned to the ground, how do you draw and fire? how far would their chest be from the end of the barrel?
  17. I only whoolie in first gear, and never use the clutch to do it. by going up 1 tooth up front, it set my speedometer correct, and made first gear more useable, it also improved fuel economy.
  18. my visor goes down at high speeds and yes, it's a 15 mph difference between your stated 200, and my factory speed of 185 (which is now a little higher due to a bigger front sprocket, power commander, and akra pipe) 15 mph isn't a big difference when you're doing 180, you've already ditched nearly every police cruiser. how do you catch him in germany? well, I guess you don't... who cares if he speeds?
  19. my point... 6"sure 18" would be really pushing it, there is barely room for the barrel if you held the gun directly against your chest to fire.
  20. I have no idea what the law states. Just seems kinda far to me
  21. and what about a man armed with skittles?
  22. I know what a fast bike is...i have a factory fast bike... There is a reason he hasn't made a career of it here... any major police department here would be able to catch him.
  23. wait.. what? how long are your freaking arms!?!? mine are 22 to the arm pit (making a fist) 23 from the tip of my middle finger that's a solid "foot" of distance,(empty space) even from outstretched arms.
  24. eventually someone has to have air support, right? he can outrun every cruiser, but the zoom on a chopper camera will be a MUCH larger challenge.... have your air unit coordinate ground units to get ahead of him at gas stations, he's done as soon as he stops for gas or returns home... 3 hour chase tops. especially if he's got that much power coming out of that thing, and is using it that fast, there is no way he gets 200 miles to a tank.
  25. Officer should have been better trained. Period. Do the math...if you're the fastest swimmer in your high school, and michael phelps challenges you to chase him in the water, you should realize this is a losing battle, get id the best you can, and call it in.
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