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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Lol, yep, I feel the same way about 06 599's Blatent bigotry is blatent. Anyone who doesn't share your sexual orientation is somehow a lower grade citizen...
  2. Why? Ftr I'm against old 599's for the same reason
  3. also: Theft, and murder aren't illegal because they are "immoral" they are illegal because they infringe on other people's rights to their property and their lives.
  4. Coveting is a sin, perfectly legal... Working Saturday is a sin, perfectly legal... Following your own moral compass, also a sin, and legal... Taking the lords name in vein is a sin, jesus christ, yaweh, god damn it, perfectly fucking legal... The law doesn't care about your religion, therefore the state should not govern based on religion.. It's a civil rights issue..
  5. Feel free to complain when it infringes on your rights, I'll stand with you.
  6. Right... Voting for segregation wouldn't make you racist either... Are you voting against interracial marriage? (also condemned in the bible)
  7. Non sequitor, obama being elected didn't infringe on your rights. Voting for the ohio smoking ban, however infringed on the rights of smokers, and the rights of restaurant/bar owners. I voted against both, and lost.
  8. 10 commandments are still OT... If you're going by the new book, both are perfectly acceptable, and you should follow the golden rule... All of this is void, anyway, even if it could be justified as "sinful", that in no way has any bearing on weather it should be "legal". Praying to allah, or vishnu, or odin are arguably the biggest sin imagineable, see commandments 1-3, and that is absolutely legal and protected...legal So the constitution comes before your religion...
  9. If that is the case, eating pork is still a sin.... how hard is that to grasp?
  10. Not sure how it applies, but okay Affirmative action is an over reach, race needs to be neutral, not rewarded or punished. When investigating a crime, motive needs to be determined, but the crime itself should carry the sentence, not the motive.. premeditated murder of someone your own race is the same as premeditated murder of someone of a different race.
  11. In the exact same section of the old testament that says eating pig is a sin... A part that apparently is no longer valid.
  12. The sinful part is already legal, the part that is illegal is just being recognized as a single entity. Nowhere in the bible does it say a man shall not marry a man, and a woman shall not marry a woman...
  13. I'd fight tooth and nail for your right to practice whatever religion you want... I'm not anti-christian any more than I am anti-gun. I'm against those with guns infringing on others right to life, and those with religions infringing on others right to liberty.
  14. More of a secular humanist libertarian zealot, if you want to put a title on me... I think people should be free to do what they want as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. This includes freedom from religious oppression.
  15. Funny, this isn't about me, it's about civil rights... Marriage used to be a property exchange, dowry and new wife became property... Now marriage is a union between 2 consenting adults to work together in their life... Why deny 2 individuals the right to be recognized by their state as a single entity simply because of their genitals?
  16. Zealot, full of zeal, extremely commited to an idea or ideology, a fanatic... As opposed to moderate...
  17. Gay marriages, why aren't they legal? A: religious zealots persecuting a minority group, and depriving them of basic human rights under the guise of "preventing sin"....
  18. Aha, so the bigotry comes before the bible.. cause if they are allowed to get married, then it would no longer be adultery...would it? (No matter how liberal your definition of adultery)
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmjaJa7ncpU
  20. Okay, let's use that, find me any mention of homosexuality in the new testament or the 10 commandments... Ever work a Saturday? Exodus 20:4 of the 10 commandments regards your Saturday work as a sin... For the record, I HAVE read it, that is the most convincing path to atheism, read it sometime with an objective mind from cover to cover... I've also read an english translation of the qu'ran... very eloquent and beautiful writing in there, but I'm not a muslim either..
  21. Because you haven't explained it... Explain why one is a sin and one is not... they are clearly both forbidden in the same book of leviticus... If one is no longer a sin, both are no longer a sin.
  22. Next time I see you eating anything that isn't kosher I am slapping it out of your hand... only because I love you and am looking out for your eternal life.
  23. So the sins you like to commit: bacon, tatoos, shaving are fine, but the sins you don't like to commit: sex with guys, are bad... If the sin is still a sin, you need to repent for your sausage lust... And we need to immediately outlaw johnsonville, and run those sinners out of business... How do you have special pleading for one rule in leviticus, but ignore the rest from leviticus? Must be some reason that 1 sin is still active when the rest of the sins are not...
  24. My point is that homosexual sex is one of those sins of the old testament that no longer applies... its from the same book as the rest of the sins I mentioned... if they no longer apply, that one is included in those that no longer apply... Jesus renders leviticus null and void, homosexuality is no longer a sin... if leviticus is still in effect, bacon is equally sinful.
  25. Oddly enough it also forbids wool/linen blends...
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