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Everything posted by magley64

  1. she's just shy of 45,000 miles now. had 2<10k seasons and 1<15k season with this bike so far, and it was @ 10 when i bought it. The only thing that's bugging me about the CCT hypothesis is the noise... right general area, wrong sound. Last time I did a CCT it sounded like a bag of marbles in the case, this sound more like a "dit-----dit dit----dit-----dit-----di-dit---dit" part of me is thinking it could be the cam chain itself is stretched?
  2. Hey guys, as you probably know I have a 2001 Honda CBR1100XX. I have a noise that seems to be coming from the right side engine case. It happens at idle most noticeably. I hesitate to call it a knocking sound, and it's not exatly a chugging sound, but somewthere in between. It seems to go away when I rev up the engine. It's sort of an intermittent thing. My intial thought is that maybe the cam chain tensioner is worn/noisy, and the cam chain is slacking and tightening. I've replaced the CCT before with the X-11, but that was a couple years ago now... Anyone have any thoughts about my idea, or any ideas of your own? thanks.
  3. not according to the news I seen, the one member came in and tried to disarm him with a purse. He then sent her away again, and started shooting. Many people were speculating that he intentionally missed as he didn't want to kill anyone but himself. the guards shot him a couple times but he ended up taking his own life with his own gun. It's also believed that he had a mental disorder because his astranged wife never worked for the school. (they interviewed her later) the news decided that the complete footage was too graphic and refused to show the video, that's why the footage stops when he starts shooting.
  4. how about the V for Vendetta sign on the wall? kinda odd, I don't remember V using a gun...
  5. I'd be on that suit, but im a scrawny fuck, i wear a 40 in rocket.
  6. sounds like the tags may be messed up/inconsistent or your file system might be a little disorganized. my original droid finds all my music, but it doesn't necessarily categorize them correctly.
  7. only down side with the hospital is that they probably monitor their trafficand they will have no problem turning your mac adress over to the authorities.
  8. I know, the XX constantly gets mistaken for a new bike, and she's comin into a decade, over a decade since the first, and there weren't many cosmetic changes between the first and last.
  9. umm yeah, your odds of making a long distance relationship work are in single digits percentage wise. just think about all the shit you won't have to put up with anymore, that should help.
  10. Removed some obnoxious spacing.... does anybody take this nonsense seriously?
  11. an rr is any better??? (i honestly don't know, the only experience i have is my flying couch)
  12. there is a RC51 on the board..... I think you'd enjoy it.
  13. magley64

    New Toy

    i know i know, i'm just giving him shit over the new toy. but honda made motorcycles long before they made lawncare equipment.
  14. magley64

    New Toy

    thats not a motorcycle company, that's a chainsaw company
  15. THIS, kinda what I was saying earlier. Let her know if she needs more time, set the date for later, or get ready earlier.
  16. yeah, but snowmobiles help to quell the storm. I got the little 340 yamaha up to 65 on the local trail today... not too shabby... It's nothing like jumping on the XX on that perfect saturday DTC daytrip, but it's still fun.
  17. yah, she's hot... hot garbage... I'd take a run at her mom if i was in a position to do so, but there is no way I'm wasting precious TV time watching that crap.
  18. tell her to hurry the fuck up, but in a nice way. "Wow, you look beautiful tonight, but if you needed more time to get ready, you could have asked me to pick you up later, I wouldn't have minded a later date"
  19. there are plenty of hot women to choose from... not only does shit blow up, but bumblebee smashes into a cop car...lol
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