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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64

    Senate Bill 5

    I personally think unions have run their course. They started as a makeshift OSHA (more or less) requiring safe working conditions and fair pay for employees who would otherwise be taken advantage of and possibly killed/mamed during the course of their work. Nowadays they are essentially a leech on our economy. They have served their purpose. Unions are also extremely hypocritical, hiring non-union picketers to protest the hiring of non-union workers.
  2. it MIGHT last 3 times as long. it might not, but for the extra $17 per year, I'm happy to be running a brand spanking new battery.
  3. This ^ Buy a $50 battery from wal mart, fill and charge properly, then install. Inspect and replace fuses. Try to start... If successful, monitor battery voltage after rides to make sure the charging system is still functioning.
  4. agreed, needed a little more planning... perhaps this... it's engrained in jixxer culture, part of the curse in winning a lot of races, and being relatively inexpensive is that you are invariably going to become the bike of choice for morons. sorry suzuki people, most of you on this site are relatively intelligent, and thoughful people, but you have to agree that a LOT of morons ride jixxers.
  5. I was watching this on nova science now, missed the show last night as I was playing taxi for a family member. hopefully they are playing all week?
  6. I do have this on my short list. I have been known to speed a lot during the breakdown in this song.
  7. couple of my faves for riding... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plR9Q4LWos4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVinwOpllQk
  8. rebel....interstate? why? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Honda-Rebel-250-Interstate-/330527980827?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item4cf500bd1b
  9. wasn't aware of 15... I used to park illegally all the time apparently. Assholes would park on the line, and I'd park right next to them and climb out the back of my blazer.
  10. this is a different situation in my mind... If the business owner chooses to clearly mark the sidewalks as "motorcycle parking" then have at it. There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't IMO. That is the decision of the business owner.
  11. I had hoped not... you seem like a pretty good dude most of the time. I'd still feel bad, but not as bad as i would feel for the guy who was parked legally who got his bike run over by a chick on the phone not paying attention and parking on top of his bike. I'd feel way worse for that guy. I do tend to go out of my way not to look like an arrogant prick. (although sometimes i really am)
  12. I don't see why not, same amount of parking "real estate" is being used. same as if two smart cars wanted to do it, as long as you can get them both within the designation lines, there is no reason why anyone should bitch.
  13. that's a dick move... kinda like opening your door when one is about to filter past you... it's just ignorance. Why fuck with someone's bike? I can see it from ignorant fuckers who don't ride/can't ride, but from a fellow rider? complete bullshit. I'm of 2 minds about the issue, if for some reason the parking lot isn't a viable option, I can understand using empty sidewalk space, but honestly, the majority of the time, the parking lot is perfectly fine. now how do you feel about double parking with other bikes (people you don't know)? if I find a bike parked single, I will sometimes park in the same spot if it looks like an easy/convenient thing to do, and if not, I park in such a way that someone else on a bike can park in my spot with me. (diagonal to the lines, towards the front of the space) this seems especially effective when parking on the street against a curb.
  14. Here's hoping for steak and bj when you get home. Happy birthday mang
  15. yeah, looked like some serious skills launching without flipping or wrecking
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08xynVd3kF0
  17. never looked up the specifics, just know it's been a LONG effin time. also the years 54, 55 and 64 seem to stick in my head for some reason, lol
  18. you got 2 industrial cities with teams in close proximity that have been playing since the game was invented basically. that means a lot of blue collar people watching the games in both cities (the bulk of ticket sales). naturally being from different states, there will be some rivalry, and it grew. and up until the late 90's the total games won vs games lost to each other was pretty much dead even. With the team being moved there was a lot of ground lost, and a steep learning curve. It's a dry spell *shrugs* the team is getting better, and hopefully will be championship material soon. I like to see the steelers lose; I like to see the browns win... it's just loyalty. I respect true steelers fans for their loyalty as well.
  19. magley64

    FU Paypal!

    ruh roh, paypal was hitting on his woman...
  20. Yay, discussion from which knowledge can be gleaned. I've got probably 50 hp. The problem is that the clutch plate is tiny. So I'm thinking an upgrade would make the tiny clutch as effective as a regular size clutch. Most of my slip is probably caused by the 33's I have mounted on the drive wheels.
  21. Okay, in that case I'm thinking higher is better, stiff clutch be damned, I want grip and control.
  22. i might be able to fly @ 7, get off work @ 5
  23. cabin club, westlake... best filet i've ever had.
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