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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Shouldn't she wrap arms around the drivers waist...
  2. that dude is a pretty cool guy eH killz aleins and doesn't afraid of anything
  3. look, it's "that dude" with pink hair
  4. we do, they're called "jets." Unfortunately they are all trikes.
  5. wanted to be the first to post up a happy birthday for our founder, thanks again for being born, surviving, and ultimately bringing together so many awesome people. Happy Birthday
  6. appears to be wife's "bike" (how do i balance?)
  7. Bummer... Seemed like a great guy, met him on the covered bridge ride. deepest heartfelt condolences to his family.
  8. I H8 trikes, even fuggin fast ones
  9. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=30742
  10. agreed. someone wanna bust out "that dude's taint rub" into a R&R thread?
  11. this feels like a repost, but I can't find it... didn't these come up last year or the year before?
  12. I understand it helps, but I think it also leads to more crashes due to target fixation. Just my opinion, id rather understand the input/output relationship than fly by instinct.
  13. I HATE this type of advice.... Your bike does not care which way your nose is pointed. You can look left, right, even turn your head to look behind you, and turn the bike in any direction you want, during any of those actions. 99% of your steering "at speed" is done with the bars, steer left, you go right, steer right, you go left... nothing more, nothing less
  14. like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKYpyu1_1os
  15. let her rock the MSF course... they will be able to give her a more objective opinion on her riding. Aside from that, just let her practice. If she really wants to do it, she'll start to get it the more she practices.
  16. there is already a report button. if you see something you think isn't fit for this site, hit it and it will be reviewed by a mod. I think the mods have done an excellent job, and my single violation was deserved. (it falls off next month, woot!)
  17. the yuengling is secure.
  18. always been a honda guy, unquestionable reliability with near zero maintenence. least favorite is suzuki, always seemed like they attract people who know NOTHING about bikes more than anything else. Kawi is number 2, mostly for sentimental reasons, my first proper motorcycle was a 1981 Kawi 550 ltd when i was just a wee lad. differences between sport bikes are so tiny, it really is negligible for my skill set, but honda absolutely owns the touring market in japan.
  19. Jbot and magz present both 10 mins. Late
  20. alright, I'll have to roll out soon. I should be there
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