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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Your beads look beat to shit, glws
  2. Why don't you have a chart for regular passenger cars? We don't market to cars and SUV's due to the high performance style of those tires, which are low and wide.
  3. never had a stock honda weight fall off my rim...ever. If i pull the tire off to install a patch, why wouldn't i put on the balancer before re-installing on the bike? gotta say, after reading their website, i'm not totally freaked out by it, HOWEVER if it's not "good enough" for cars and SUV's there is no way in hell they are "good enough" for my motorcycle. I'll stick to my $30 balancer and wheel weights. at least i can see that it is perfectly balanced before re-installing, rather than just "hope" that once i get rolling that they are working properly.
  4. now what happens when those ceramic beads stick together?, what happens when the inside of your tire is textured? what happens when you have a tire patched/ plugged?
  5. gotta go with sam on this one... I bought a little wheel balancer for $30, i put it on there, give it a spin, and balance it up, I'm planning on tossing it back on there after a couple thousand miles and see how far off balance they are. I don't want anything flying around inside my tires.
  6. you're welcome to use my little balancer, you will probably get a better result.
  7. HAHA... that dog got PWNED! dogs: don't f*ck with animals that can kick your ass...
  8. while I agree with these two, that you should have been riding either "better" or "slower" I wouldn't put as much zeal into scolding you for it. We all have learning experiences, this was one for you. Heal up quick, get her fixed and ride better next time. I'd also suggest an advanced rider course for improving your cruiser riding abilities. Glad you're ok.
  9. gotta say, the first thing that crossed my mind when i heard someone outrun the cops in dayton was you nick.
  10. well jesus! if i were that old I wouldn't want to get my wrinkly old ass out of bed, let alone ride a real sport bike around. please enjoy your golden years on your dingy gramps.
  11. 400 miles is a cake walk. 6 hours by blackbird, about 12 gallons of fuel, so 2 fuel stops.
  12. if you've got a car going the same place, don't pack a damn thing on the bike, just ride it. pack everything you might need in the car.
  13. well I was talking about the automotive equivalent of turbo charging or nitrous "overclocking" which is a legitimate argument... and nobody cares if you think suzuki is best squid, you're not even a rider, you're a boater. so take your mercury or evinrude or whatever, and go drown your iphone in a lake
  14. LOL, it's as if everyone in the thread is talking about horsepower, torque, and engine configurations and you come back with "suzuki has the best logo bitches"
  15. out of the box, speed tests have also proven that jailbreaking makes your phone slower, AND you can't overclock to compensate... where as rooting, and overclocking makes the droid way faster....look it up!
  16. my moto is running at 1.1 gig, which is faster than the snapdragon out of the box...3gs, 600, no overclocking, even when jailbroken...
  17. i think the NAACP should file an injunction agains themselves for the use of the term "colored people". which is clearly racist.
  18. no no, what i mean was that the original Iphone had a number of competetors within 6 months that did everything it did, and better. the 3g was the bomb but within 3 months it had a number of competetors that smoked it, 3gs, it was about a month before moto droid came out and destroyed it. the fact that the evo is out before the 4g iphone, imagine the insanity of phones that will be out within a month of you actually getting this phone. each generation of iphone has been bested faster and faster to now the evo (which may or may not be better, there are arguments for both that are valid) is out a month before you can even touch an iphone 4g... i'm just sayin. not to mention the fact that you HAVE to deal with ATT which makes your iphone as effective as an ipod touch in most places.
  19. yeah they've all seen their fair share of "beating", the single ports seem to have the best response, even if they have slightly lower peak hp... with air cooled VW, the horsepower is the drawback, 1600's run between 50 and 60 hp in stock trim. I do plan on building a 2332 engine with a turbo, and find a totally beat old VW bug to put it in... sleeper city
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