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Everything posted by magley64

  1. no I don't! Yes I do! No I don't Yes I do No i dont... yes i doooo shut up no you shut up! asshat I know you are... :tongue:
  2. magley64


    HAHA... yes, you could run, and your odds of getting away are fair if you're a decent rider... but compare the penalties of running to the penalties of not running in both situations. 1: you see the lights, you kick the shifter a few times, and crack the throttle... A: all goes well, you get away, nobody sees your plate, or can recognize your specific bike. B: all goes well, someone catches your plate, the cops come to your house later and pick you up for felony evading. C: not all goes well, your bike catches a nail, and your tire goes flat, you lowside in the grass and go to jail for felony evading D: Catastrophy strikes, someone pulls out in front of you in a truck, and you die E: tragedy strikes, a minivan pulls out in front of you, you kill a little girl and survive to regret it, you also go to jail for felony evading, and are slapped with a civil suit. 2. You see the lights, rock the brakes, and talk to the officer like a man. A: all goes well, Officer is cool, and he informs you that you should slow down, lets you go on your way. B: he's a prick, writes you a citation, you're out $120 and you get 2 pts on your license. (minor traffic violation) 1A and 2A have the same result. Even if option 2 goes sour, the worst you're out is some cash and a couple license points... If option 1 goes sour, the consequences are WAY worse. my $.02
  3. taint rub! e-popcorn for everyone, free refills :popcorn::popcorn: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
  4. cool stuff, but if i were to ever get into firearms, I'd do it this way http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=26719
  5. I got 2 of these, 1 red, 1 green... you don't know pauly? he wears a scarf...
  6. If the market were allowed to drive the consumer, I'd agree. Here is the caveaut where my problem comes in... The $1000 "fine" for non coverage will drive many people who were previously uninsured to purchase this imaginary super-cheap insurance from the government, artificially bolstering their numbers... would you rather pay $1000 a year in a lump sum for a fine, or $70 a month ($840/yr) in payments to avoid a fine?
  7. butt ugly, completely stupid, yet very intriguing, and awesome ingenuity.
  8. But he likes embedding quotes into one another...
  9. Yet another reminder to be ever vigilant, ride within your abilities, remain alert, and expect others not to see you.
  10. read the title, thought you were talking about paint options for your new bike.... no flat black in this thread...moving on...
  11. It's the only life I got, I may as well enjoy it as much as possible.
  12. I seen it, it was completely retarded, and still absolutely hilarious... 2 overwhelming emotions WTF LOL definitely tarantino
  13. I liked the first one, loved the second, hated the third... I'm going to see the fourth, but dunno if i will like it or not...
  14. I just rebuilt the carb on my Dune buggy (great idea) I found a valve that was sticking open and flooding the heck out of the poor little engine. Now it runs MUCH better.
  15. A carb kit is basically a big bag-o-gaskets and O-rings... it should include every gasket and seal in your carb, and may also include some small valves/misc parts.. they typically run less than $20... new carbs will be more of a headache, because they may need the same gaskets/seals replaced... basically (you = back to square 1)
  16. no that was a pink... BUELL:puke:
  17. Do we have to guess the price like the price is right?
  18. we need to vote on whether or not to vote on voting to vote on this.
  19. You're missing my point... If i'm not physically able to do the things I do at work...I'm not going to be physically capable of doing any of the things I enjoy... If i can't sit at a desk in front of a computer processing information, there is NO WAY i'll be physically capable of Riding my Bike, Snowboarding, Canoeing, Playing Video Games, Restoring Old Cars, Screwing, or any of the other things that make my life enjoyable...If I can't do the things I enjoy, what's the point of being here? or in other words... If I can't live my life, what's the point of surviving? it's a gauge of my physical capabilities...and a low bar to set by any stretch of the imagination.
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