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Everything posted by magley64

  1. you can't just go around initiating a ban without taking a vote first.
  2. depends on what kind of shitty we're talking about... hit by a truck, permanent vegetable, eating through a tube shitty? - take me out lose my job, dumped by my g/f, lost my wallet shitty? - I'll muscle through it.
  3. nah, I got plenty of years ahead of me before my health deteriorates to that point. maybe link that up again in 40 years.
  4. It's the philosophy by which I live my life... If I'm not physically able to work, what the hell am I physically able to do? My profession isn't exactly physically demanding. I refuse to live on life support, i refuse to live in assisted living, if it comes to that, KILL ME! I have told several people, the day I'm no longer physically fit enough to survive on my own, is the day i'm going to stop surviving. I refuse to become a permanent burden or permanently dependent upon my loved ones.
  5. I've done it.. I vote no... I don't think my rep should suffer because I've hurt someone's e-feelings with negative rep. If i post something that you disagree with, then i'll take the rep hit... my$.02
  6. send me some everclear
  7. They must not be worried about it since their investment is GROWING... Worry about it if you want...personally I'm pretty relaxed...you go ahead and raise your blood pressure over every little problem... So what? That means AMRICAN MADE products become more competetive...(bad thing?) there is NO link between the national debt and unemplyment...or national debt and your "misery index"
  8. I've taken the liberty of killing the childish colorful formatting. While i do consider myself mostly republican, and I did not vote for obama, this OBVIOUS trolling and conservative rhetoric It's his money, do you not take your wife out to dinner? why is the president's personal life under scrutiny? Nope, but I don't have a retirement plan...I plan to continue working...if i'm no longer physically capable of doing what i do at work, I'm no longer physically capable of living, and will take reasonable means to die. Yep, I'd have laughed, but i'm evil like that. Who the hell is Gordon Brown? GWB could have given him a bag of turds, who cares? Maybe, but at least she could have a good chuckle listening to "fool me once, shame on, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on...uhh, you get fooled, you can't get fooled again..." YES! It's a sign of respect, I nod my head to strangers every day...so what? Nope, I'd have added it to his list of goofs, and laughed about it... Not necessarily, but what do you expect? they are politicians. Why should I be embarrased by his ignorance... He's just a human being? Again I'd add t to my list of goofs and laugh about it. Nope, I'd add it to my list of goofs and laugh about it (see a trend here?) Nope, He didn't go there to plant a tree, he went to make an appearance... Nope, I wouldn't have wondered...I'd have laughed (and I did) but again, i'm just evil. GWB had teleprompters, he chose to play it by memory...(and poorly IIRC) Nope, I'd have said "man, it sucks to be them" GWB couldn't spell CEO, but regardless, how do you know he wouldn't have done the same thing? We were over 10 trillion before Obama came into office (are we over 20 trillion now? NO) so it'll be 40 trillion in 10 years? WOW (i had no idea) He's the president of the United States... If he were to send a limo for you to ride air force 1 and come for a visit to dc, all expenses paid, you'd call everyone you know and act like you won the lottery."I'm going to the white house! I'm gonna meet the president!" (go ahead, claim otherwise, but you know I'm right) I've come up with my answer. Did I vote for him? NO Do I support him as the president of my/our country? DEFINITELY
  9. it's a fairly rare limited production bike, finding the right person who wants it is going to be tough... awesome bike IMO, but not everyone's cup of tea.
  10. i think you should throw that idea out the window because you think it is too tall for you.
  11. Seriously, who cares? we're never going to pay it. and we're all going to be dead long before it matters...
  12. we could build you a suicide...that would be SICK!
  13. the only "mystery" here is why we continue to take our orders from a dick in a neckerchief. LOL good one...sorry i got to it so late.
  14. didn't work that way for me... gifted minibike at age 7 > rode for long time > traded for Kawi > rode for long time > traded for CB750 > one low speed spill > purchased hypersport...continue to ride...
  15. well, you could get a nice stone from the diamond cellar (loose stones retain alot of value) then ebay/cl
  16. i am intrigued to see ninjanurse and her new ride.. the only thing hotter than a ninja nurse in my world would be...
  17. eff you and the bike you rode in on... I'm not giving up my honduh!
  18. i'm still drinking free fountain pop
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