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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I understand buy and short... buy when you think it will go up, short when you think it will go down... Options have me confused...what the hell is a "put" and a "call"?
  2. I used to be a T-MO customer back when i had my Sony Ericsson T300, my samsung V200, D415, and Eventually the google phone. My problem was that I couldn't make a call from home save for 1 corner of my house and even that was spotty. My sister got VZW and had service everywhere... So I switched. I got the motorola rizr, and then the moto Krave. Then i got the samsung Omnia (which really sucked) before getting the original Droid™, then the Droid™ x2, Iphone 4, Droid™ 4, and now I have the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. If Tmo gets their network in order I wouldn't mind switching back.
  3. I'm not tall, but I'm actually planning on raising the tail of my bike a bit... there is a very popular "shim" mod on the XX's that supposedly makes them corner MUCH better. I don't see a reason to lower a bike unless you seriously can't touch the ground. I tiptoe my bike as it is.
  4. Ok... guess that is pretty good..
  5. I got boned by the EPA lol... Still might rebound though...
  6. Again, I was concerned the note 3 would be too big, but once i got it it was no big deal. If You're really put off by the size, the galaxy s4 is basically a compact version of the same phone.
  7. A phone running an android distro is not necesarily a Droid™. Motorola (with very few exceptions) made Droids (Droid™ Droid R2D2™ Droid X™ Droid Razr™ etc) Other smart phones can and do run an android based operating system. (your samsungs, your LGs, your Casios..etc) just FYI... when you say "I got an Iphone", there is only 1 series of iphone, both for operating system and for device. if you say "I got a droid" it's pretty ambiguous if you mean you had a generic device running a modified android distro, a licensed "Droid™" or a nexus device running Google specs and a vanilla distro of android. My guess is the second and latter will give better results than the former. (with perhaps a rare exception from Samsung or other high end developer.)
  8. that's "great"? 34.21 mb/s download... 4.63 up here
  9. I might be a little concerned if the NSA were in charge of writing laws... The upside of a do-nothing congress is that stuff like this doesn't get done.
  10. While discussing intentions to break the law on a publicly accessible Internet forum is ill advised, I don't see anywhere in the forum rules that it is prohibited.
  11. I did the iPhone thing once. It worked well enough. Better than the droid x2 I returned, but I never really liked it. As soon as i could, I pawned it off on my girlfriend and got the droid 4.
  12. Just got the note 3, I like it but reception isn't as good as my old moto droid 4. I like the size, still getting used to having no qwerty.
  13. you've not associated that you've not associated...
  14. a reply which, evidently, had no bearing or association with the topic of gas prices and how to keep them low.
  15. Haven't had any harleys try me on the XX, but i did smoke one in my eldorado...
  16. you replied to my post regarding gas prices and how to control them...
  17. so you think oil exports would drive prices down?
  18. got a better suggestion? and yes it HAS worked so far... we're paying what HALF of what europe does, even at our highest... the're right around 1.30 pounds per liter... right around $8/gallon... wouldn't they jump at our $3.75 per gallon that everyone is bitching about?
  19. it was a brand spanking new 500 CC "sport bike"... why wasn't it faster than a grandpa bike..
  20. Old UJM's are like catnip to harleys, every single one I've ridden I've had a harley try to race me... In high school I had a 77 CB750, and the only other MC in the parking lot was a buell blast that this kid named kenny had. He insisted that because his was a harley and a sport bike that it must be faster than an old UJM with king and queen seat, a fairing, and a stereo. He clearly had no idea what he was up against. That old girl was a pig with a final drive chain that you could use for commercial logging, but she still had quite a bit of get-up-and-go left in her, by the time i shifted to third he just gave up.
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