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Everything posted by magley64

  1. yep or at least if you're not paying extra attention, don't expect someone else to look out for your child if you're not willing to.
  2. Headlights... don't pull out in front of people.... expect assholes to pull out in front of you... pay extra attention if you have some kid in your car....
  3. samuel mullet, and excellent point... sometimes religions DO get special treatment regarding the circumventing of the law, but rarely, and almost never when it involves other people who are not part of the religion in question.
  4. I love how islam is somehow "more evil" than christianity... I have many christian family and friends, I have several muslim friends, I have hindu friends, I have wiccan friends, i have pagan family and friends... They're all cool. Their beliefs are silly, but none of them are evil... (not that i really believe in evil anyway, but as for what you might consider evil) The majority of the christians I know are pretty lazy in their beliefs, it's more of a "accident of birth" than a real pursuit of spiritual improvement. The muslim friends I have are by and large the same way. Their parents were muslim, and they were raised muslim. My hindu friends are generally a little more dedicated to their religion; Sriram, for example, was saving all of his money from working at philips so that he could fly his new wife in to the country to meet her, and complete the wedding ceremony. His parents had chosen her for him, and he was quite excited to finally meet her. He was a great dude to work with, very funny, personable, and very dedicated to his religion. At least once a week, I would hit quiznos for a prime rib and peppercorn, never once did he tell me I shouldn't eat beef, but politely declined every time we invited him to come along. My wiccan friends are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. They take their religion very seriously, and act compassionately towards everyone... literally the MOST helpful people i know. The pagans I know are pretty laid back. They believe in some pretty wacky stuff regarding crystals and whatnot, but they don't hurt anyone. Point is, whether they believe in a sandal clad hippie stoner god, a ultra-conservative mystical bearded man in the sky, a cow god, a goddess of nature, or some mystical as yet unknown recycling of human souls, they're all cool people, even if I think their beliefs are absurd.
  5. same two power wheels sitting in dad's garage for the grandkids...
  6. painting to match bike, or leaving bare alum?
  7. interesting... wonder if gun deaths go up or go down as rules are relaxed....
  8. I HAVE read it... cover to cover to cover to cover.... Maybe you should take a fortnight and read it yourself... use "critical thinking skills"
  9. According to islam, they were both prophets...
  10. As if they were equivalent... lol. how does someone smoking pot on their couch endanger you?
  11. Perhaps you should read the bible, and an english translation of the qur'an, then tell me how different they are....
  12. Ancient history? Islam is around 700 years younger than christianity, you can't blame a 10 yr old for laughing at dick and fart jokes when you yourself did at age 10 also... Your religion is still responsible for some sick and twisted shit perpetrated against humanity, saying "oh that was so last year" doesn't get your religion off the hook or a free pass to act all superior to other religions... your bullshit is just as plausible as their bullshit... they should be free to persue their silly little religion just as you're free to persue yours.
  13. Yeah the crusades were so annoying... that spanish inquisition was such a bother...
  14. The inspiration of the Bible depends upon the ignorance of the gentleman who reads it. Robert Green Ingersoll And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerve in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors. -Thomas Jefferson In case you think Jefferson was talking about yaweh... “The Christian God is a being of terrific character - cruel, vindictive, capricious, and unjust” -Thomas Jefferson
  15. if that's your view, why are you so afraid of sharia law?
  16. I'll be riding today... and $750 invested total on 2 sleds... they aren't the fastest, but the 340 will do 80, and the 440 will go near 100 on nice flat icy snowy roads...
  17. *You're a real comedian... and I wasn't joking... christians, jews, and muslims.. you're all generally lazy when it comes to enforcing religious laws... For example...how many times have you commited adultery in 2013? after you answer, read matthew 5:28 and answer again...
  18. I'm not worried... as quickly as islam is growing, christianity is growing faster... Know what else is growing? http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Global-News/2012/0815/Atheism-on-the-rise-around-the-globe also, not all muslims adhere to sharia law... just as most christians don't adhere to abrahamic law. as much as you religious people like to claim god says this or that or the other thing, you can be counted on to be lazy in your beliefs on the whole...
  19. not a fan of laws based on religion, huh?
  20. armith's wife does web design freelance...
  21. it's crazy how much fun you can have on such a tiny bike... i think the passenger pegs were just installed as a joke though....
  22. i'm not going to catch gump unless he had a really shiddy day, but i might be #2 again...
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