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Everything posted by magley64

  1. LOL well in that case... the tires are by far the LEAST unsafe part of that vehicle.. twitchy steering, super short wheel base, fiberglass body, lap belt seatbelts, no roof, thin drum brakes all around... I could go on and on... the car is a screaming metal death trap, and it is so much fun.
  2. What was their best investment option "now"? sell or hold? As for them "lying" how are they supposed to predict the future of the market? It's not like they are blackstone, lending money to a small company to ensure they get paid on their credit default swap...
  3. For the government's investment portfolio, are they going to lose money by selling the stock yesterday as opposed to today or tomorrow... or however long these peole who are complaining want them to hold the stock.
  4. Why wouldn't you just mount them yourself? It's not like it's difficult... even if you just use a couple old tire irons to do it...(not that spoons are expensive)
  5. Whole market is down today, I'm buying...
  6. The 33" tires on the back of my dune buggy could very well be that old, and the low pro fronts I've had laying around for at least 10 years... And i bought them second hand. I see no serious danger in driving on these tires... they hold air just fine, and they haven't given me any sign that they can't hold up to the small amount of punishment i give them... Motorcycle tires? NO WAY, but on some random commuter car? Why not? Tire failure will in all likelihood just result in a flat, which my 7 yr old niece can change with a spare...
  7. Max pressure, Like everything else...
  8. If you think selling all of the GM stock is a bad idea for the government, then you should be buying all the stock they are selling and reap the benefit of it continuing to go up. If your complaint about the government is sound you will personally become wealthy on their poor investment choice. I don't care how long you hold the stock, I just care which direction it goes. Was selling the stock NOW a good idea? yes or no...
  9. When i drive the Dune buggy to work, and park on the hill, it's rolling before the engine starts.. Push the clutch she starts rolling forward, i can either hit the ignition and the starter button, or hit the ignition, put her in 2nd and dump the clutch...
  10. I run at max, i don't recommend others do it, but i like the effect it has on my car.
  11. Is the stock going UP or is the stock going DOWN? seems like GM is at a peak as of recent.... if I were buying/selling I'd sell right now, too... But if you honestly think GM will do better than they are right now, and it's a bad idea fiscally to sell right now, I'd suggest you take your life savings and dump it into GM stock right now... apparently there is a ton of volume trading right now as The governments shares are being sold.
  12. Well, you could, but I'm thinking that if you crank the engine, you could dump the clutch before letting go of the key without being really awkward about how long you're grasping the key... parked on a downhill you'd start moving before the engine was running.
  13. No returns.... interesting... How many people were bitching when WNF closed during the shutdown? How many people were bitching that national monuments closed? How many people were bitching when white house tours stopped? How many people were bitching when they couldn't get their passport applications processed? How many people were bitching when their TSA lines got longer? The government spends tax money on public resources, things that you and I have equal opportunity to enjoy.
  14. right click, view in new tab... they are there, just the images are blocked from external site views...
  15. It's not a business, if it were a business it would be regulated...
  16. Does that mean the catholic church is a business? The bill and melinda gates foundation is a business? superpacs are businesses? I think not... Their overarching goal has nothing to do with profits (which is the main goal of business)... one has to do with adherents, the next with special causes, and the third with gaining political power...
  17. They absolutely should regulate business, and not every agent who engages in business is themselves a business. I engage in business daily, but I am not myself a business.
  18. I disagree. Business people should stay in business, and stay OUT of government. Government should be in place to protect the people: from foreign governments, from unscrupulous businesses and business practices, from other people, and from power hungry politicians. National debt is not a problem, as the biggest economy in the world, it makes sense that we would have the most national debt... as for china, we may owe them 1 trillion, but they are almost 4 trillion in the hole themselves... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_debt
  19. The government isn't in place to turn a profit...
  20. I'm just trying to picture this... the only way i can see it is if it's a manual, and he backed in, parked in gear rather than with parking brake...
  21. Eh, alright quiz.... not sure why I'm supposed to know how "most people" screw something up...
  22. Don't see a reason to do that... Plug 360 into ONE and voila, compatible...
  23. Don't see why they wouldn't, you scan your card yourself at most places... so you can scan whatever card you like. Most cashiers don't even look at the card.
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