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Nebbors last won the day on May 30 2018

Nebbors had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Nebbors

  • Birthday 08/09/1968

Profile Information

  • Name
    Ed Farnbauch
  • Location
  • Vehicles(s)
    2017 Honda Africa Twin
    (Couple others)

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  1. You win then. Congrats!
  2. Pics tomorrow, it's dark out. And 2TTim. He was both close and ridiculous.
  3. No one actually guessed correctly. One was sort of close? It's a 2016 Honda Goldwing F6b Deluxe.
  4. No, can't get that one because it keeps eluding me.
  5. Can't really disagree, but nope.
  6. Neither so far. Though one is closer than the other.
  7. New to me. Guess the bike, you get to place a ban on whomever you want up to 3 days, enforced by @Tonik. If for some reason you already know the answer, you cannot participate other than kibitzing. Good Luck!
  8. I think I'll come. I'm a lot more comfortable with speed since my TAT trip this summer. probably no where near your crazy speeds but I won't make you wait tons either. I'll be on my new (to me) street(ish) bike.
  9. Yep. I'm not crabby. More of a creepy ass. 😴
  10. Very nice. love the look. I'll have to hear it some time.
  11. @NinjaDoc where and when you starting out?
  12. I kind of want some shenanigans also...
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