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Everything posted by warpspeed

  1. soooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllldddddddd
  2. I have stuff for daytona 675 Got a project bike and need the space & money Misc. Triumph 675 parts, you come and pick them up you can have them cheap..... Upper fairing $50, RH fairing $50, and a few little misc parts $30 --- bar ends and etc. fairings would be great for taking it to the track, just cosmetic damage. Shoot me a pm if your interested.
  3. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooollldd
  4. Bedliner on bike tires to protect them from salt^^^^^^^^^?
  5. Terrorizing terrorists: be afraid. be VERY afraid.
  6. ski boat if you live near the water....it'd be worth it otherwise get a dirtbike. I had quads. Never again.
  7. bdubs 10 honey BBQ bonless and boston stoker coffee---because theres plenty of hotties
  8. watched it last night it was fkn A!!! At the dayton mall Ding dong motherfucker... ding dong! lol new mexican motorcycle gang name: whupass fajitas!! lol
  9. i went out today but didn't see anything......mainly because theres still corn standing.
  10. Gander mountain also has a mossberg 500 12ga w/Field barrel and slug barrels for $250....hecka good deal, cept it ends in a couple hours. Mossberg barrels are a piece of cake to change i have 2 500's
  11. gun in a hardcase and in the pickuptruck toolbox, ammo in the toolbox also. IF i'm in town I lock the toolbox. Normally don't carry guns into town tho.
  12. PB Blaster and a torch shoulda been used before the sawzaw.
  13. inv5rted is trippy. and I just now got the game for $35.....had been using a friends steam account
  14. it dont work on http://forums.offtopic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=11
  15. x2. If they could have like 40 people in once server it would be ok
  16. been playing MW2 on pc........i like everything but the no dedicated servers.
  17. savage bolts are nice, and reasonable............Savage 243 or 308 or 300 is what I want....whichever is best for coyotes. Havnt really looked into it.
  18. got my jacket today..... a* has always fit me wierd. if I wasn't using this jacket withouth extra clothes underneath it I wouldn't like it. Now have 3 jackets, 1 suit, 3 helmets, 1x boots, 2x gloves.....freakin wardrobe. Cliff notes: $100 gets you Quality jacket $400 price tag Emblems that say IMS A IMS garment bag well worth it imo
  19. thats thats the answer I was looking for, thanks It was done by blood. He wont be fighting in court, just dont want something false on his record.
  20. aww they dont have any of those sweet $200 aero hump backpacks I need a solid leather jacket this perf. is too cold...... Will not be showing up at any OR events anymore. Having the same jacket as 4 other males is unforgivable. atleast I was actually at the race.
  21. sooo is there a way I can do this to my friends that have JB Ipods?
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