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Everything posted by DangBruhY

  1. Interesting... Don't know how I feel about it yet.
  2. Interesting, but how does it handle?
  3. I guess you don't have the Move?
  4. They got that crap all over Cali. Been out there for years. I've only seen one or two people out here with something like that.
  5. I guess you will still get a patdown, even if you are naked?
  6. Thanks man... How you been?

  7. Anyway... Glad he stood his ground and they didn't harm him or the kids.
  8. How far were you shooting and more info on that range?
  9. DangBruhY


    Good news is that they didn't have to build any pallets.
  10. Hey Fazerlady. Haven't heard from yall in a while. Somehow your husband's phone number is missing from my phone. I think it happened when I reloaded my phone. I'd love to go today, but they need me at work. So I'm going in.
  11. I wish! I think there is a group going to Kentucky from this area. I think they might have already left though.
  12. DangBruhY

    New gun

    My AR is black as well, but there's no way I'm turning my M1 Garand all black.
  13. I bowl for fun, not for sport.
  14. DangBruhY

    New gun

    WAIT! Maybe I shouldn't use that saying when talking about guns?
  15. DangBruhY

    New gun

    I'm thinking about putting the other grips on it. Murder'd out look.
  16. DangBruhY

    New gun

    I don't know... The GLOCK is pretty easy. 4 parts. I don't know about a XD. I've never tore one apart.
  17. DangBruhY

    New gun

    I put 150 rounds through it. What's crazy is that my GLOCK was virtually clean, but the 1911 was dirty as bell.
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