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Posts posted by justin0469

  1. Slight exaggeration but

    Multiple chemicals, including some banned since the 1970s and others used in items such as nonstick cookware, furniture, processed foods and beauty products, were found in the blood and urine of pregnant U.S. women, according to a UCSF study being released today.

    The study, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, marks the first time that the number of chemicals to which pregnant women are exposed has been counted, the authors said.

    Of the 163 chemicals studied, 43 of them were found in virtually all 268 pregnant women in the study. They included polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs, a prohibited chemical linked to cancer and other health problems; organochlorine pesticides; polybrominated diphenyl ethers, banned compounds used as flame retardants; and phthalates, which are shown to cause hormone disruption.

    Some of these chemicals were banned before many of the women were even born.

  2. The thing is, there is no actual new zodiac. The re-imagining of the tables with newer data is all academic, and today's hype on blogs and Twitter comes from an article published Sunday in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. In it, an astronomer with the cool name of Parke Kunkle said that due to the Earth axis' wobble, when the sun "...is in Pisces, it's really not in Pisces."

    Of course, the Internet went predictably bonkers at the news, inflating what Kunkle said (and meant) into something he didn't (and didn't): that there's a new zodiac.

    Popular astrologer Susan Miller called the news "ridiculous." "We've known about this for ages," she told ABC News. "The constellations don't suggest what's coming up, it's the planets. The constellations are a measuring device."

    So don't worry, fellow Pisces, we're still Pisces. And the rest of you are the same, too.

    Ophiuchus isn't a new sign. It's always been there, just usually not a recognized sign by Tropical Astrology.
  3. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/2000899/Man-admits-having-sex-with-1000-cars.html

    Old but still weird

    Edward Smith, who lives with his current "girlfriend" – a white Volkswagen Beetle named Vanilla, insisted that he was not "sick" and had no desire to change his ways.

    Mr Smith, 57, first had sex with a car at the age of 15, and claims he has never been attracted to women or men.

    But his wandering eye has spread beyond cars to other vehicles. He says that his most intense sexual experience was "making love" to the helicopter from 1980s TV hit Airwolf.

    His last relationship with a woman was 12 years ago - and he could not bring himself to consummate it, although he did have sex with girls in his younger days.

    "There are moments way out in the middle of nowhere when I see a little car parked and I swear it needs loving.

    "There have been certain cars that attracted me and I would wait until night time, creep up to them and just hug and kiss them.

    "As far as women go, they never really interested me much. And I'm not gay.”

  4. I was in Thailand playing ping-pong in Ding-Dang. A high stakes game in some opium den. Turns out, these aren't the types of guys who like to lose. When I beat them, they beat me. They worked me over good. And this is hard to say. They held me down and shoved a ping-pong paddle up my ass.

    sideways. you shit pancakes for months after

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