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Posts posted by justin0469

  1. i'm all about it. i wanna bang badass brunette Olivia
    Love Fringe. Anna Torv is hot, but she's even hotter with that Australian accent when she's not playing Olivia. Walter is just awesome.

    OK, so badass brunette Olivia with Australian accent is first now.

  2. What I'm really curious to see if any airports have the balls to opt-out of the TSA. When the TSA was foisted on the airports in 2002, the law that was signed allows airports to get all bootstrappy and handle security on their own.

    hmmm.... interesting....

    Now that you mention it, it doesn't seem that private airports use TSA. Maybe I'm wrong though....

  3. All I know to say is to try locking and unlocking them again while holding them turned all the way to the left, or maybe shake them lightly back and forth as you unlock.

    I'd try that.

    If that doesn't work, maybe the mechanism that turns the lock piston out broke and so you can't bring it back in. Being someone that recently disassembled my ignition and put the lock piston mechanism back in upside down, it could happen. Even though the piston is metal, the piece that turns is plastic, at least on the 1000RR, and likely on your GSXR. If that's the case, just take off your ignition. That's no easy task outside now that it's cold and if you can't get off your top triple.

    Also, you could see if you can get something in front of the lock piston and push it back in. If it's broken and there's no broken pieces in the way, you should be able to just push it back in.

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