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Posts posted by justin0469

  1. I know they have at least one Federal police officer position available on DSCC. http://jobview.usajobs.gov/GetJob.aspx?JobID=86942393

    I could and should make my usuall witty remarks and mention somthing about needing a personal assistant and tulips and organ..... but since I like you and more importantly I know you're packing and have already shot one guy, I wont :)

    Instead I'll tell you DSCC/DFAS in Whitehall has several nonperverse postions open and they give preference to former military and many jobs there are only availible to former military. They post all openings on USAJobs.com. Find one you like and apply then let me know as I've got alot of family working there, depending on what you apply for they may be able to help.

    it's usajobs.gov and who do you know that works there? i work on that base but for DISA. There's isn't many of us compared to the rest of the base, which is mostly supply and logistics.

  2. That's badass! I'm glad they aren't backing down. The federal gov doesn't have the balls to enforce their own laws so someone has to do something about it.

    Sweet!!!!!!! Go Arizona Go.

    It makes me want to buy something from Arizona........ I'll have to do some research next time I need to order something........ may as well get it from Arizona.......

    me too. I wonder what Arizona has....

    lets go ahead and add Arizona as the 3rd state I'll move to if I ever leave this place

    I always said AZ is the one place I'd never move because I can't deal with 120 degree summers but I'll deal with it to live in a place like that!

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