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Posts posted by justin0469

  1. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-10241247-1.html

    May 14, 2009 1:53 PM PDT

    Attention, ladies: Manhunter bra is ridiculous

    by Matt Hickey

    triumph-konkatsu-bra.jpg(Credit: Triumph International)

    I just got back from a trip to California, where I got to be with almost my entire extended family. I'm 33 years old and single, so the whole time I had relatives telling me to hurry up and get married. The pressure was horrible. But now that I've seen, courtesy of talk2myShirt, this "husband hunting" bra concept from Japan, I'm a little relieved.

    The bra, by Triumph International, has a built-in digital timer indicating how much time's left before the woman wearing it must get married. If she's not married by the time it reaches zero, she's a "leftover," which is perhaps Japan's version of an old maid. Either way, the social stigma must be daunting.

    But there's a solution: an engagement ring fits neatly into a compartment above the timer. Only then can the countdown be stopped, thus giving the useless ring a function beyond labeling someone as "taken."

    If they make a man version, perhaps boxer briefs, I will not be getting it. I don't need to be reminded every time I drop trou that I'm still single. Thanks, world.

    As a side note: why do I keep getting assigned stories about gadgetized underwear?

  2. And what do you think would happen if a company other than ATT got rights to the Iphone?

    I LOVE the Iphone but in the hospital the service is worse than my sprint was. When I eat in the cafeteria peeps have to page me if they want my attention b/c there is absolutely NO service. Even with the scarcity of service at times I'm still willing to put up with it b/c of the product.

    oh i know. when att's contract is up with apple next yr and it comes to verizon as rumored ill be all over the iphone. i just don't like att.

  3. i'm in fo sho

    Its over near gahanna.

    sweet! i live on not tooooo far from there, like 15 miles :D if any of you drunkies need a place to crash i have couches

    lol your funny justin! i'll give ya a beer for that one! ;):D

    my funny? what do you mean? oh you mean "you're funny" :p yeah, i know i am :D

  4. I prefer to solder my connections and use heat shrink...But those butt connectors work too...

    we've all heard the arguments for both sides... soldering can damage the wire, crimping may not be as secure - to each his own. I guess you could put ours together: butt connectors + heat shrink + electrical tape.

    so I should get the brake wire out of the white and connect to the brake wire from CA light (black) and leave the other 2 wires connected like normal?

    dont know what wires you're talking about but just cut the green/yellow on either side of the connector and put those butt connectors on it.

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