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Posts posted by justin0469

  1. sounds like vtwins have a little better vibrating action goin on for the ladies. i havent heard reports from ladies that have ridden on my BIKE. next time ill have to go a little faster. :D

    this thread is going places...i can tell.

  2. yeah, thats what i figured. oh well, not under my control and it only happens a few times a day, refresh and its gone. i mean theres only millions of requests going through these proxies every couple minutes. Columbus is one of the main DMZs for the DoD.

  3. Baby starts talking minutes after being born - report

    6 May, 01:46 PM

    A newborn baby has started talking in the Russian city of Norilsk, amazing his parents and the obstetricians, who nevertheless claim pre-natal education can work miracles.

    According to the Yoki.ru website, the baby boy pronounced his first word right after he was born, distinctly saying: “Papa!”

    In just a few minutes, newborn Stepan said: “Mama!”

    The next day, when the boy’s mother was telling him that his dad was about to visit them at the hospital, he asked: “Who? Papa?”

    The boy’s mother, Lisa Bazheyeva, is just 17 years old.

    The obstetrician who helped her in labor confirms the proud mother’s report.

    “I heard with my own ears that the newborn baby spoke!” said Doctor Marina Panova, adding she had never seen anything of the kind in the 23 years that she worked at the maternity clinic.

    “Newborns just can’t pronounce syllables as complicated as that,” she said.

    “The fetus can learn while still in the mother’s womb. If a mother talks to the fetus, entertains it as if it has been born already, the baby is usually born gifted,” Panova said.

  4. Birth control for men in one injection


    Chinese scientists succeed with testosterone jab trial on 1,000 volunteers

    By Jerome Taylor

    Tuesday, 5 May 2009


    Getty Images

    Scientists believe they are one step closer to developing an effective male contraceptive jab after successfully carrying out the largest feasibility study to date.

    Researchers at the National Research for Family Planning in Beijing injected 1,000 healthy, fertile male patients with a testosterone-based jab over a two-year period and found only 1 per cent went on to father a child. The men were all aged between 20 and 45 and had fathered at least one child in the two years before the testing began. They were also all involved with healthy female partners between the ages of 18 and 38 who had no reproductive problems of their own.

    The trial was the largest effectiveness study of a testosterone-based male contraceptive ever undertaken. At the end of the two-year period only one in 100 men had fathered a child. No contraception is 100 per cent effective – 1 to 2 per cent of women still become pregnant while they are on the Pill – but the jab's success rate puts it on a par with the effectiveness of the female Pill or injections.

    Dr Yi-Qun Gu, one of the researchers involved in the testing, said: "For couples who cannot or prefer not to use only female-oriented contraception, options have been limited to vasectomy, condom and withdrawal. Our study shows a male hormonal contraceptive regimen may be a potential, novel and workable alternative."

    When the contraceptive Pill was introduced in the 1960s it revolutionised sex lives but also placed the onus of reproductive responsibility on women. Scientists have been looking to try to find a suitable alternative for men but have struggled to control male hormones with the same level of efficiency. Previous attempts to develop an effective and convenient male contraceptive have encountered problems over reliability and side-effects, such as mood swings and a lowered sex drive.

    Like the female Pill, most testing for a male pill or injection has centred on using hormones to stop the production of key elements of the reproductive process. For the testing in China, a country which has invested heavily in reproductive technology because of its overpopulation problems, the men were given 500mg of testosterone undecanoate (TU) in tea seed oil. The injections resulted in a reduction of two regulatory brain chemicals, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH) which in turn disrupted sperm production.

    The scientists claim that there were none of the usual side-effects and say the process is reversible. Six months after coming off the injections, the men's sperm count had returned to healthy levels. Dr Gu said further testing would be needed to check how safe testosterone injections are.

    Family planning campaigners have welcomed the news and said they hoped an injection would result in men taking a greater level of responsibility over contraception.

  5. uhhh....creepy...? I'm not gonna lie and said I read it all but....yeah....


    Forbidden love

    Pull of attraction felt between adoptees, biological family members

    Last Updated: Thursday, May 7, 2009 | 10:59 AM ET Comments99Recommend127

    CBC News

    hand-holding-istock-2.jpgWhen blood relatives reunite for the first time, they sometimes feel attracted to each other. (iStockphoto) Two weeks after Sally reunited with her biological son, she began to have sexual feelings for him.

    "This is feeling really bizarre, but I think I'm falling in love with this person," she recalls thinking.

    Sally, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, had given up her son for adoption when she was 16, but vowed as she cradled the little boy swaddled in a blanket that she would someday, somehow become part of his life again. She never imagined that their reunion some 30 years later would lead to a sexual relationship.

    After their first meeting, the two found themselves spending more and more time together. "We kind of gave ourselves permission to do more hugging," said Sally in an interview with CBC's The Current. Eventually, it progressed into a sexual relationship.

    "I do remember the night we did and it was amazing … the most amazing thing I've ever experienced," Sally says. "He said, 'I've finally found the most perfect person in the world for me in every way and she turned out to be my mother.'"

    Sally's not alone in feeling a deep attraction to a blood relative upon meeting as adults for the first time.

    Genetic sexual attraction, as it's called, is a little known consequence of reunions with adoptees and their biological family members, where attraction is felt and sometimes acted upon. It has been known to happen between mothers and sons, fathers and daughters, uncles and nieces, and even same-sex relatives.

    While recognized by some adoption agencies and psychologists, there is little information on the subject. As Ontario, Canada's most populous province, gets set to become the fifth province to open its adoption records on June 1, there are calls for more education and support on GSA.

    Though some adoptees and birth parents will likely use their power to veto access to their files, the change of law holds the possibility of affecting some 250,000 children officially adopted in the province in the past 88 years.

    Single study on subject

    Sally, who met her son after B.C. unsealed its adoption records in 1996, wishes she had known more about GSA at the time. "I would've appreciated knowing about it," she says.

    Facts in brief

    • About 250,000 adoption orders have been filed in Ontario since 1921.
    • Nearly 75,000 people have sought information about their birth relatives under Ontario's voluntary disclosure registry since 1979.
    • Ontario is the fifth province to open its adoption records, behind British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Newfoundland and Labrador.

    Source: Government of Ontario

    A B.C. adoption counsellor said that when the province unsealed adoption records there was an increase in GSA occurrences.

    It's difficult to quantify genetic sexual attraction since many of those who pursue a sexual relationship with a blood relative won't even reveal it to adoption counsellors or psychiatrists.

    Pastor Bill Bossert, a former president of the Oregon Adoptive Rights Association, says he believes at least one person feels a deep attraction in about half of adoption reunions.

    In what remains the only academic study on GSA, Dr. Maurice Greenberg looked at 40 cases and concluded the sexual attraction was a normal response to an extremely unusual situation of blood relatives meeting as strangers.

    Greenberg, the former head of student counselling services at University College London in the U.K. and ex-adviser to London's Post-Adoption Centre, says interviewees described emotionally charged meetings and the shock of familiarity as they noticed the same interests, traits and mannerisms in their relative. Many described it as feeling like they were looking into a mirror.

    Combined with the feelings of loss and trauma associated with being put up for adoption and the excitement and fantasies of a reunion, the adoptees often felt vulnerable to such attraction.

    Not seen as incest

    Paul, also from B.C., recalls the strong attraction he felt when he first met his biological sister.

    'I treated it as if it was an occurrence in life, one of the growing pains of life. I didn't want to harm them, and I didn't want them to hate their father.'
    —Paul's wife

    "I just felt like I had met my soulmate. The one that you don't think you possibly will ever meet," says Paul, whose name has also been changed.

    "My heart wanted to just leave the rest of my life and walk away into the sunset with this person."

    While technically the sexual relationship was incest, Paul says that "tawdry" term never crossed his mind and doesn't describe the deep connection he felt with his sister of wanting to blend with her "physically, emotionally and soulfully."

    His wife soon learned of the affair and confronted him at a coffee shop.

    "He cried. He couldn't understand why he was feeling the way he was because he was so frightened," his wife said.

    The couple decided to stay together and to explain the situation to their two children, telling them Paul and his sister never experienced the sibling rivalry that occurs between most brothers and sisters but only the "pure love."

    "I treated it as if it was an occurrence in life, one of the growing pains of life. I didn't want to harm them, and I didn't want them to hate their father," says Paul's wife.

    Desensitized by living together

    Dianne Mathes, a Toronto expert on GSA who counsels people involved in GSA relationships and is herself an adoptee, says relatives who don't live together miss out on the daily events that prevent such attraction from occurring.

    "The birth mother … has not raised that child, hasn't done all the parental roles with that child whether it's diapering him or being there when he was sick," said Mathes.

    According to the Westermarck theory, developed by anthropologist Edward Westermarck in the late 19th century, people living in close domestic proximity during the first few years of life are desensitized to sexual attraction later in life.

    The Westermarck effect has been observed in communal child rearing in the Israeli kibbutz system where few sexual relationships and marriages developed among peers.

    While there are rare cases where GSA evolves into a stable relationship and the couple makes peace with the societal taboo, many others soon break up but are left with a psychological scar.

    "Some people are saying, 'I've lived my whole life being a good husband, a good father, a good provider, being a stable citizen. I've met this woman, I've never felt like this in my life. I've never been happier,'" said Mathes.

    "These are people who have had a need and a feeling stirred in them so deeply that it's rocking the core of who they thought they were, what they needed, how they understand things and their worlds, and they're struggling."

    Those who have experienced the turbulence caused by GSA say the only way to prevent others from the same heartbreak is through education and support.

    Struggling to move on

    Barb Gonyo, a leading expert on GSA and author of I'm His Mother, But He's Not My Son, says people need to know that the intense feelings at the beginning of a reunion will eventually subside.

    She spent more than a decade struggling with feelings for her son and runs a website, www.geneticsexualattraction.com, aimed at raising awareness about the issue.

    "I've known many people who have gotten through this without having a sexual relationship and have been glad that they didn't because they still have a good relationship. Then there are people who have had a sexual relationship that still have a good relationship but they might have had to put up with an awful lot of pain," said Gonyo.

    For Sally, her sexual relationship with her son crumbled in the face of ostracism from their friends and the shame and guilt they felt about the secrecy of it all.

    She realized they had a choice: start a new life elsewhere where their situation wasn't known or stop what they were doing.

    The two decided to stop their sexual relationship and have remained close. A new feeling has since evolved between the two.

    She says her son now feels sick to his stomach when he thinks about the fact that they slept together.

    "And that's good because that's normal. I finally got to a place where I'm like his mother, kind of. Not really, but kind of. And that's a good thing. That's a blessing."

  6. pretty wicked, but what's the 100 watt light bulb for?

    in the link there are comments and answers

    The bulb is used as charging resistor for the capacitor bank when using the mains connection. the higher wattage, the faster it charges. the problem with charging resistors is that they will dissipate a lot of energy, at this way it is safely dissipated which means less heat inside the gun.

    maybe it’s not the best solution, but it was the easiest.

    the bulb at the picture is 150W

  7. http://hackedgadgets.com/2009/05/07/mv-coilmaster-mark1-coil-gun/

    MV CoilMaster Mark1 Coil Gun

    Written by: Alan Parekhat 5:50 am. Filed under Complex Hacks, Cool Gadgets, Electronic Hacks, Insane Equipment


    Daniel Eindhoven sent in his latest creation, this is one killer looking coil gun! The laser effects are fantastic. icon_smile.gif

    "Fully semi-automatic, up to 14 shots.

    Capable of delivering over 18J kinetic energy, and speeds up to 110km/h! (42 gram projectiles).

    It’s a single stage gun, using a 8800uF(4×2200) capacitor bank with max 400v (704J).

    Max shot efficiency is 2.8% but reaches almost 4% at lower voltages.

    Charge time for 300v (12J kinetic energy 396J capacitor bank) is 8 seconds for the mains connection,

    and when using the internal batteries about 90 seconds. It also has a Digital voltage display.

    Coil overheat after 14 shots at 300v.

    Total weight: 5 kilogram.

    Total spend: ~~ 100 Euro

    Construction time: ~~40 Hrs"










  8. WIFE: "What would you do if I died? Would you get married again?"

    HUSBAND: "Definitely not!"

    WIFE: "Why not - don't you like being married?"

    HUSBAND: "Of course I do."

    WIFE: "Then why wouldn't you remarry?"

    HUSBAND: "Okay, I'd get married again."

    WIFE: "You would? (with a hurtful look on her face).

    HUSBAND: (makes audible groan).

    WIFE: "Would you live in our house?"

    HUSBAND: "Sure, it's a great house."

    WIFE: "Would you sleep with her in our bed?"

    HUSBAND: "Where else would we sleep?"

    WIFE: "Would you let her drive my car?"

    HUSBAND: "Probably, it is almost new."

    WIFE: "Would you replace my pictures with hers?"

    HUSBAND: "That would seem like the proper thing to do."

    WIFE: "Would she use my golf clubs?"

    HUSBAND: "No, she's left-handed."

    WIFE: - - - silence - -

    HUSBAND: "Fuck!"

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