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Posts posted by jon_SV650

  1. If you're not comfortable in a large group, why not just hang back near the back of the pack? That's what I did on the one group ride I went on last year (wasn't even a big group, maybe 10 people, I was just playing it safe) and really didn't feel any pressure to ride above my limits or to do anything stupid.

    I think it's just all about self control and riding your own ride.


  2. I guess I'm a little late on this thread. Back when I had an SV, I had a high mount scorpion. Scorpion, isn't not the best make, but I appreciated the high mount. If you are into track riding, the stock pipe can drag... Although if you are more into sport touring, the high mount kind of rules out saddle bags.

    yeah I am going to be sticking with the road (at least with this bike)...

  3. In my unsuccessful attamp to find a house last year, the Garage was my main concern. My wife was about ready to shoot me since thats all I cared about...how big the garage was. My toys are important to me and they deserve a good home too


  4. Sounds good. Good luck and sorry about the mess in this thread. If you ever need any help, just ask. I also would suggest checking out 35 Motorsports - one of OR sponsors. Reuben does a KICK ass job setting bikes up.

    Have fun - that's a really great bike to ride.

    thanks man, i love the SV. i dont plan on getting rid of it, i would love to have an in-line as well once i can afford it...but i dont think i would get rid of the SV

  5. Holy Cow! You people crack me up. All over a PCIII. MY,MY,MY!!:confused: Whats the deal with this site. There has to be arguing everywhere in every thread. I was shocked the squid thread didn't explode like this. Cant we all just get along?

    To end my point-

    You can run your bike without harm with a aftermarket exhaust and no PCIII. I have a PCIII and it is mapped for my full Yosh.TRS with K&N. I can't tell a difference with or with out PCIII. I am a aggressive back road rider not a track guy who runs his bike between 8-11K in order to use full HP. If you need to have your bike running a absolute perfection the make sure you take care of you periodic maintenance before worrying about anything else. Especially the extra power gains and minuscule power curve refinement that a dyno will give you.

    Here is a link to download a manual if you don't have it already-


    About the dyno-

    If I had availability to a local dyno I would use it because I am anal. But that's me. If you want to save a couple hundred dead presidents you can and your bike will not blow up. Or fry you valves! The only dyno I have came across up this way is at Fisher Cycle and they ONLY service HD. For me to bring my Suzuki down there would be an insult and just piss them off from what I have been told. That is all!:rolleyes:

    thanks for all of your insight...I have been looking for a full service manual for a while now online, I didnt even think to check torrents! sweeeeet...

  6. You want to help me understand it better? You guys claim a PCIII is a waste yet all of a sudden, we find out it is running a little rich. I mean, hell, who cares? He's a fucking street rider who likes to spend a few hundred bucks for a poor running bike. Why not, right?

    There are those people out there (apparently you're not one of them) that put money into their stuff because they want performance and results. Guess telling them to buy decent parts and getting it set up and tuned properly is only for those that are hard core racers.

    I hope the OP understands why it is in his best interest to not listen to guys that think 2 Bros is a great exhaust, that PCIIIs are stupid and that feel poor running bikes after spending hundreds of bucks is totally fine because they lack the ability to tell the difference...:rolleyes:

    i am with you on this, i absolutely want my bike to be performing at its best. I just currently dont have the money to get a PCIII, but I will most likely be getting one once I have the cash for it. I'm just starting with exhaust...

  7. Now for Jager's bike. If you want to go ride his and then ride mine to get an idea on the difference yourself. The only thing that will not give you a good idea in the difference is I most likely have a little bit different gearing. Because I run a 15 47 sprocket combo. But it does depend on the gearing Jager has. Honestly like I have said before I have tried several different set ups on 2 gen SV's and they all seem about the same.

    thanks to both of you for the offer... I have been doing some research/reading...im thinking at least for now a yosh trs full system and was going to get a k&n filter anyway, if i notice/feel it is running too lean I will get a PC once i get some extra $$

    I do agree with you point with a dyno. Mine that I know of has not been dynoed. I know the maps from PC have been down loaded. You might be able to fine tune the fuel mixture to get the bike to run at a premium with a dyno. But how many people that are running a commuter, weekend warrior SV are going to be able to tell the difference? Maybe a track bike were .01 sec may count and running at near open throttle for long periods of time. My point is a PC III is in many cases and many applications on a SV overkill.

    this is what i was thinking, I dont plan on doing any racing, I really just use it for rolling around in, going on rides etc...

  8. I was thinking about getting a new pipe for my bike with my tax returns and was just wondering what everyone's preferences or suggestions were...

    Also wondering if you get any extra performance and if its worth the extra $$ to get a full system or just a slip-on.

  9. the fan should not have broke, its not your fault, I stop fan blades with my fingers on server grade pc setups before, when they are making noise, purposely. none of them have ever broken. that plastic had a bad mold or something. you work needs to purchase the new fan. again, not your fault.

    :plus1: i do that shit too, if a fans brakes on a work PC then work should pay for it.

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