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Posts posted by jon_SV650

  1. We're about to buy our forth bike from Honda Northwest. They've ALWAYS taken really good care of us and everybody we know. I can tell you that the bike I'm about to buy I'm getting for quite a bit cheaper than anyone else in the state would sell it for, even considering the fees Lizard1 is bitching about. To each their own I guess.

    As for the Iron Pony rumors, they're just rumors at this point. I've been hearing this for over a year. If they do start selling Yamaha, I hope they do great. Why Lizard1 would think Honda Northwest hates the idea of Iron Pony selling Yamaha is beyond me. That's like saying they hate that Motorsports sells Yamaha. Who cares?

    Honda Northwest has a following. Once you buy a bike from them, you'll most likely buy every bike from them. Hell, Carie and I hung out there yesterday for over three hours just bullshitting. Everyone there is very friendly and knowledgeable. They help us (Ohio Riders) out a lot. They hosted the start of the 2yr anniversary and the first food drive. Hell, one person on the 2yr anniversary ride had her bike not start at one of the stops. Honda Northwest went out to her and diagnosed the problem for FREE. If I'm not mistake, she even tried to give the tech money and he said no. Nobody in this area treats their customers as good as Honda Northwest.

    :plus1: I got my bike from there as well after going to many different dealers, they were by far the best out of any that I had been to. If and when I get another bike I would definitely be going there.

  2. Well...I kind of did. Me and two buddies were driving to a friends house after a party one night at about 3am. We turned down a kinda back road to get there and we see two people laying half way in the road...then we see a motorcycle in the ditch...we all jump out and the girl was conscious but out of it at the same and is at least able to move a little and talk a bit, but the guy was just laying face down making some awful awful noises. So we call 911 and the dept wasn't far away so they were there within minutes, and it turns out the girl was fine, just beat up, but the guy died on the scene just after the police/fire dept, got there...was an awful night...

  3. If you want it for free, torrents are going to be your best bet. The problem after getting it though, is going to be a key. I don't think you will be able to install it without a valid key and your old one will not work unless it is the same version.

    If you know HTML you can update it easily that way, but if your looking for a tool to use without 'coding' the page, I would just suggest go buying a copy...

  4. Christmas has sucked for 4 years in a row. My ex-wife moved to New Hampshire with my son and refused to let me have him for the Holidays. This summer when he was here on vacation he asked me if he could come here for Christmas. I said I would love that to happen and we'd have to talk to his mother. He walked over' date=' picked up my phone, called his mother and told her he wanted to stay with me over Christmas break. I had no input or anything into that conversation. I could tell by the words he was speaking that she was trying to talk him out of it. He basically sealed the deal when he told her, "I've missed Daddy's birthday and Christmas 4 times because we moved to Uncle Ray's house. If we didn't move I could see him and you every Christmas." Isaac turns 9 on Wednesday.

    I pick him up on the 20th and take him home on the 27th. This year will be the first year this house will be decorated in Christmas Commercialization Spectacular. This is the first Christmas in almost 5 years that I won't be the Ebeneezer Scrooge at all the Christmas functions. This year, I love Christmas!!

    This year, Isaac gets this for Christmas...


    good for you man!! sounds like a good kid.

  5. people i would be going with. for sure :lol:

    haha, i was about ready to give you all kinds of shit :lol:

    I might actually have 2 extra tickets if you are interested, and they would both be away from the 4 of us that are going (they would only let me buy 4 at a time)...so you wouldn't have to deal with anyone except whoever you would give the other to :lol:

    im just not sure if the two others that were planning on going are really going to go through with it...i will find out tomorrow...

  6. yeah i know crazy i have a few people offer me some tickes at a really reasonable price. but i just dont think i can stand them long enough to go. sucks bad.

    stand the people you would be going with or ac/dc??

  7. another big fan right here! great stuff!! they are actually coming to nationwide arena in cbus on the 21st...i got tickets right when they went on sale :metal: ...sold out in 2 hours....

  8. http://www.sos.state.oh.us/sos/upload/ballotboard/Casinoinitiative2007.pdf

    Yeah I'm not convinced on the whole loophole bit. Also, people need to be weary of the fact the primary opponent (No on 6) to this is another gaming company, Penn National Gaming (owers of Argosy). Another group that opposes this is Vote no Casinos and is nothing more than an anti-gambling group. There is a third group called 'UNITE Here' opposing this ballot which is a union group that has it's own motivations. So All three of the opponents running ads against this all have personal motives:

    - No on 6 is a competitor.

    - Vote no Casinos is opposed to any gambling period.

    - UNITE Here has its union to grow.

    The lottery and things like this Casino have never been put out there as the end all, be all to school funding problems. While they do help some, people under estimate just how much money is required to run public schools.

    I'm voting yes on this one. I can think of more than a few people that this will help not only down in Wilmington, but also with other markets in the area. After talking to some investors and others like Real Estate brokers I can see more good done than harm just to the economy it's self in surrounding areas.

    Oh and I like to gamble. :lol:


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